Summoning the dragon Malice The Lifegiver

SpellsBeauty  ► Dragon  ► Summoning the dragon Malice The Lifegiver
this spell is to summon the powerful dragon Malice The Lifegiver. Malice is a dragon of pure heart and soul with the main element of light and sub element of water. his heart beats for the safety and kindness of others and is willing to help anyone in need of guidance or dire help. ONLY SUMMON HIM FOR REAL EMERGENSIES AND WHEN YOU TRUELY NEED GUIDENCE!!!!!!!!

Casting Instructions for 'Summoning the dragon Malice The Lifegiver'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • all the stared ingredients are vital to the ritual***
  • 3 candles, on water blue, one silver, and one lightning yellow. (white works too if you don't have silver)
  • a bowl of water
  • an offering to Malice (any type of food works)**
  • 3 drops of your blood**
  • 3 tablespoons of sea salt
  • 3 tablespoons of sugar
  • Confidence**
  • it must be after 11 pm at night
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • all the stared ingredients are vital to the ritual***
  • 3 candles, on water blue, one silver, and one lightning yellow. (white works too if you don't have silver)
  • a bowl of water
  • an offering to Malice (any type of food works)**
  • 3 drops of your blood**
  • 3 tablespoons of sea salt
  • 3 tablespoons of sugar
  • Confidence**
  • it must be after 11 pm at night
- Make a triangle with the candles. put the blue candle in the top corner of the triangle, put the yellow candle in the bottom left cornor of the triangle, and put the silver (or white) candle in the bottom right corner of the triangle. (make sure the triangle is big enough to hold your offering and all the ingredients)

- light the candles and sit in the middle of the triangle with the offering and ingredients.

- add the 3 drops of your blood to the bowl of water

- add the 3 tablespoons of sugar to the bowl

- add the 3 tablespoons of sea salt to the bowl

- with the hand you did not extract your blood from, stir the contents in the bowl with that hand and fingers and think of what your summoning Malice for.

- after stirring the content of the bowl recite this spell: ''Malice The Lifegiver, I call upon thee for your great wisdom. please answer my call and accept my offering in return for your great wisdom to help me in my hour of need. I need your wisdom to help me with (reason you need his guidance or assistance). please answer my call and give me the knowledge/help of which I seek.''

- after reciting the incantation, rub the potion on your arms and forehead.

- focus on his pure energy and then put out the candles with the potion.

- once the candles are out, clean up the ritual area and leave the offering to malice outside or near a place he can reach it. go to sleep and check on the offering next day, if it is gone then he has accepted your request and took the offering. if you asked him for knowledge, then you will receive his wisdom in your dreams next day.

good luck with the spell fellow spellcasters


Added to on Aug 31, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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this isn't a thing, and if you wanted to summon a Dragon, salt, sugar and water wouldn't do anything.

This is fake, it does not work.

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