Eonix's Purification for body, magic and soul.

SpellsBeauty  ► Dragon  ► Eonix's Purification for body, magic and soul.
This incantation calls forth the power of the dragon called Eonix ( to cleanse and purifiy your body, magic and your soul.

Casting Instructions for 'Eonix's Purification for body, magic and soul.'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Incense: preferably Dragonsblood.
  • Ash (tip: you can store the ashes you get by burning incense for later use;)
  • Four candles.
  • Water and a cup or bowl.
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Incense: preferably Dragonsblood.
  • Ash (tip: you can store the ashes you get by burning incense for later use;)
  • Four candles.
  • Water and a cup or bowl.

Fill your cup with water and pour some of the ashes into the water, then dip the tips of your candles into the mixture and let it dry. (This is to represent the negative things you want to cleanse, burning away) then light the candles, as well as your incense.

(Optional: if you have any Symbols you wanna use in this ritual, then get some ash or charcoal and draw the symbols on your arms, forehead, chest or wherever you want. (I recommend your stomach or forehead since these places are the most spiritually charged places on the human body)

then place the four candles in a square shape on the ground and stand in the middle as you chant the following incantation: Suppliciter obsecro te Eonix draco magne, qui auxilio munda ades venenatis corpore animaque

(Translation: I humbly appeal to thee oh great dragon Eonix, I call for thy aid to cleanse my body magic and spirit)

(P.S: speak respectfully and do not command the dragon, they like to be treated respectfully and will not help you if you try to force them into doing anything, have a nice day and blessed be )ô(


Added to on Feb 24, 2020
Last edited on Apr 19, 2020
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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This isn't real, it's just a bunch of gibberish. You can call on Dragons to help with a cleansing, but this spell is fake.

Apr 14, 2020
This incantation does call on dragons....just isn't english its latin and certainly not gibberish... And if I did something wrong...please just tell me what that is instead of critisizing me like I am some piece of dirt

Apr 14, 2020
You didn't do anything wrong, I work with Dragons and decided to go through the spell sections [because I decided to pick two days a week to focus on SoM and editing/commenting on the site] Sorry I don't speak Latin, but the amount of times people have made up gibberish and called it a spiritual language, I didn't bother googling it to see if it was Latin because I had gone through so many fake Dragon spells that day, I was tired. I still stand by it being fake because as is, you say something three times and a Dragon named Convexity [which I've never heard of. If this is your Guide Dragon it would only work for you because the Dragon wouldn't assist anyone else.] cleanses you but if you aren't calm it will backfire [another sign of a fake spell, claiming if you make one mistake you're doomed] So in conclusion I've got nothing wrong with you [don't even know you] I just read over a spell, saw the flags of it being fake, and stated so because I don't want people wasting their time.

Apr 19, 2020
Sorry...I took it too personally, I will edit this spell to make it better and thanks for your advice

I mean no offense by this but many of your spells have Latin and it seems as if you don't speak it or at least are not fluent in it. There tend to be grammatical errors and words that don't make sense in the context of the sentence, and it gives the impression you ran it through Google Translate. There's nothing inherently wrong with using Latin in spells, but if you don't really know the language it will bring more harm than good.

There is no dragon named Eonix. If you do not speak Latin, do not use Latin. Calling on dragons for purification could work, but I doubt this spell works.

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