
SpellsBeauty  ► Dragon  ► Merfolk.
I am trying to help people understand these beautiful creatures a little bit better, I'm not saying that astral merfolk fake, their real, but I know there are physical ones, you may not believe me, and that's ok, you have your opinion and I have mine.

Casting Instructions for 'Merfolk.'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Nothing.
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Nothing.

So, before I tell you a lot I know, I have found that I cannot comment, so I will not be able to answer questions you may have. I know there are astral beings, spirits, you can work with any energy. So lets "dive" right into this, shall we? 

So let me clear out all the false stuff about physical merfolk. 

It's not like h20 or mako mermaids. This is an undiscovered species, some witches may use them as a sacred symbol, you don't get a migickal bikini top to. 

Merfolk and sirens are different. 

They cannot turn from mer to human. 

There are merMEN too, they would be extinct if there were none. 

95% of the ocean is unexplored, cultures around the globe see them, they exist obviously. 

All the "be a mermaid" spells on here are fake. 

It's not like ariel either. 

They have webbed hands, claws, thicker hair from salt, a powerful tail, but... their still... people. 

They have powers, singing, high-speed swimming, and that's about it. 

Now that were done that let's fully get into it. They come in types or more like "breeds". I know these names sound very chessy and fake, but since not all humans found them, we have no scientific name for them: 


deep sea 


open ocean 


kelp forest. 

These are the names of the breeds, and the places where the same breed would live. 

Now, they eat fish, seaweeds, and maybe fruit. 

Sirens usally sing, but merfolk rarley sing. 

Again, I found that I cannot comment, which kinda sucks because I will not be able to answer your questions. I have a full book full of this, please, for 100% proof, google or search "Mermaid Shifting" There are websites that talk about merfolk and stuff, I have a full book about this, my wattpad is A_Light_Bender so if you want more info, check it out, I CAN comment on there so ask away on there.  Also, please no hate-comments, I WILL NOT be able to respond to help correct you. Again, I never expect you to believe me, just no hate comments. Again, no hate comments. 


Added to on Dec 21, 2022
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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