Make a Dragon Come to You

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SpellsBeauty  ► Dragon  ► Make a Dragon Come to You
Call forth a dragon to your presence.

Casting Instructions for 'Make a Dragon Come to You'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Paper
  • Pen
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Paper
  • Pen

First, write the name of the dragon you want. Then write how old it should be. Write what kind of dragon you are looking for (frost, fire, etc). Finally, write whether the dragon should be good or bad. Rip the paper up and throw it out a window, door and then wait.


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Last edited on Jan 17, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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Interesting idea, But I would suggest some tweaks. First, this would definitely not compel a dragon yo come to you. Though it could be a method of extending a request or invitation. Second, the instructions on what to write are mis-directed and the equivalent of opening a phone book blindfolded. It seems set up to create or make up a dragon rather than to call for one. There is no way for a caster to intuit the nature or name of the being meant to respond to your call, let alone if a specific being with the name and traits you want even exists or wants to come to you. A much better method would be to write out and reflect on the things you hope to gain from gaining a visit from a dragon. What do you hope to learn? In what ways do you want to grow as a person as a result? Focus on your goals and leave the rest open. Like most guiding beings, the form and personality of what will come to you will be what it needs to be Moreso than what ego and whimsy want. Ask for a teacher to bring you specific knowledge and the being that feels it is the most suited to help you will appear. Finally, an act of ripping/tearing or cutting is typically synonymous with destroying a working or severing a connection rather than one of releasing or 'sending out an energy or idea. Perhaps burning outside would be better, as it is a more direct symbol of committing energy (fire) to transform the physical message into an energy to be released. IE; burning the message into smoke which will be carried on the wind.

As outlined this does not work. Maybe if you already with with the dragon, maybe. But if you want to meet an astral dragon so you write ''Fluffy, age 5000'' then wait, this will not work. Look into astral projection.

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