Call the Ice Dragon

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SpellsBeauty  ► Dragon  ► Call the Ice Dragon
from wike_99

Casting Instructions for 'Call the Ice Dragon'

You will need the following items for this spell:

You will need the following items for this spell:


Chant the following:


"Dragon of ice I summon thee, To protect the friend to hurt foe. Use all your might to destroy them quick so they can suffer your poisonous lick."


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Last edited on May 26, 2022
Part of the Random Magic Library.


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Incomplete. Also, if you do not work with dragons, do not call on them without an offering. As for the chant, it does not work. It is poorly written and could do more harm than good.

Oct 02, 2022
It's the ''poisonous lick'' line that gets me. Dragons take things literally. Ice Dragons aren't poisonous, so if you somehow called on an Ice Dragon for protection [because Dragons can protect you, especially by attacking someone who crossed you] that line would just confuse them and they would probably just ignore your request. [if you kept calling on them with this chant, there is a good chance they will attack you to teach you a lesson]

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