Dragon Cleansing Spell

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SpellsBeauty  ► Dragon  ► Dragon Cleansing Spell
This is Perfect for starting out in Dragon Magick!

Casting Instructions for 'Dragon Cleansing Spell'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Your Mind, Body, Spirit, and Will.
  • Belief in Dragon's.
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Your Mind, Body, Spirit, and Will.
  • Belief in Dragon's.
By mighty Oak, Ash and thorn,
By all the oaths I have sworn,
I need the cleansing touch of fire!
Touch this ______ with dragon's power!

Warning: It is tempting sometimes to change the words of spells. But do NOT ask for dragon's fire in this spell! I know someone who did this and his house burned down 3 nights afterward!! Do not cause your spells to backfire upon yourself!! Be careful what you say and be cautious of what you THINK when doing magick!!


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Last edited on Apr 27, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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Good point with not asking for ''Dragons fire'' I might use Dragons Blood in the cleansing [i have a room spray, in the past I used incense] but I know some Dragon Magick mages are offended by the concept of ''Dragons Blood'' so they won't use it, so I would instead visualize a Dragon flying around your space clearing away the negativity.

Wow thanks so much!

If this Petition/Spell is actually use in the right way it can be use to burn someone else's home instead of the petitioner/caster.

Apr 23, 2022
I imagine so, though bear in mind you are then asking a spiritual entity to do harm on your behalf. One who may not only refuse to do so, but also react negatively towards the person making the plea. Depending on the situation, and the Dragon, it could be damaging to the working-relationship.

I feel this needs an edit. While this is a working chant, it does nothing to cleanse. As outlined, it relies on dragons to do it for you, which they will not. Chanting while washing your floors would work better than saying once ''protect me, dragons.''

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