The Dragon of the Earth

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SpellsBeauty  ► Dragon  ► The Dragon of the Earth
This spell is used to call forth the energy of The Dragon of the Earth and channel it in anyway you see fit.

Casting Instructions for 'The Dragon of the Earth'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Your Voice
  • Your Hands
  • A strong personality and Will
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Your Voice
  • Your Hands
  • A strong personality and Will
Place your hands with a two-three inch space between your palms.

Focus a rock of energy in it and speak the following in a deep and monotone voice.

''Rise with a Tremor, Stone Dragon of the Trembling Earth!''

The energy should bust and surround you in a solid coat of energy.

As long as you can hold it, you can harness the Stone protection of this one of many elemental dragons.


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Last edited on May 27, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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You can use this in circle casting, you could use this to enchant a protection charm, you can work with earth Dragons. You cannot use them to control the power of the earth.

Nothing will physically surround you. You cannot gain earth powers with Real Magik. However, if this is meant as a visualization and you are calling on earth dragons for spiritual protection, it might work.

I can see this as calling on earthen energy through a draconic archetype, can be good for connecting to the primordial nature of earth. As previously said by others, though, while an effective meditative act it would not bring about any literal physical activity. Personally, I might use this as an exercise to connect with the grounding, protective, and nurturing aspects of earth.

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