Dragon Summoning!

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SpellsBeauty  ► Dragon  ► Dragon Summoning!
Okay, I dont know if this works, but it will bring a dragon

Casting Instructions for 'Dragon Summoning!'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Four rocks
  • Snow
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Four rocks
  • Snow
Okay, first Put the snow on the rocks and mix them up

Then place your hand on the rocks and snow and say,

Great god of Dragons, I call upon thee to recue me,
Through wind and through cold I have bared,
But I need a companion,
Something big, something strong,
I need a dragon, Mighty and Strong

Tell me if it works!!! I have not tried it!


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Last edited on May 27, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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''Okay, I dont know if this works, but it will bring a dragon'' Doesn't this contradict itself? And this? ''Tell me if it works!!! I have not tried it!'' I don't think you're supposed to summon Dragons either, you can call to them but I'm pretty sure that requires meditation and dedication to attract em...or at least for em to make some form of contact. I think the best bet to get a Dragon's attention would be to make an altar to one or just Dragons in general and leave offerings of things they like like fruits and ''treasures''.

Dec 04, 2020

This does not work. Placing four random rocks on the ground then saying ''here dragon'' is not how you contact dragons.

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