Become a Fairy

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SpellsFantasy  ► Fairy  ► Become a Fairy
This spell turns two none spell casters into fairies. Make sure to do this outside in the fall when there is 2% or less moon showing or a full moon. If you want to make them into dark fairies do it at night. If you want them to be light/green fairies then do it during the day.

Casting Instructions for 'Become a Fairy'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Leaves to spread in a circle around the two people
  • Water
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Leaves to spread in a circle around the two people
  • Water

Put them into a circle sitting on their knees or criss cross. Next spread the leaves around them in a circle. Have them close their eyes and to feel the earth and the world around them. Drop the water on their heads only two drops each then you circle them chanting

"Wind surround them,
Making them what they wish to be,
A fairy when the world 'fairy to be' are spoken
To return to human when the words 'human to be' are spoken"

Have them chant "fairy to be me, a fairy of the tree" *4 times, then have them raise their hands up to the sky and everyone must chant "Fairy to become fairy to fly! Let the wind twirl by!"


Added to on Nov 03, 2013
Last edited on Feb 24, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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You can not become a fairy.

Jan 02, 2024
Maybe you're no longer active on this account which sucks, but if you are, please delete all of your comments of how you can't become a fairy or this isn't real, this website was my childhood and I just hope children these days would come here instead of listening to inappropriate music or watching terrible videos, back in the days there were videos were more for kids but now it's not because videos are now having swear words and things kids shouldn't be learing about, children should be going out to play or watch TV, or even play games that's appropriate for them and if some children search up about ''How to become fairies?'' Just let them believe in this, fantasy made my life easier as a kid and perhaps it can make theirs too. Just let the children believe this fantasy until they grow older, because I don't want any of them to see the cruel world when they're young.

Jan 02, 2024

They can probably also Google if Santa is real or not. Are you going to scold Google next?

This website is not for children. It even says you need to be thirteen or older to apply. This site is for Real Witches who practice Real Magik to discuss their craft with others. It is not a fantasy site for children. I am not breaking any rules by educating new members on actual Witchcraft, the real world faith and spiritual path many practice. This spell is an insult to those of us who hold Pagan beliefs. The only reason it is on here is because someone who knows nothing about Paganism/Witchcraft posted it and it brings traffic to the site.

Fairys are real. They are like nature spirits. I have worked with them since I was in middle school. All of these turn into a fairy spells are highly insulting to those of us who walk this path. We can laugh at the absurdity, but it is hard enough as a Witch to be taken seriously by the average person, and this nonsense makes it that much harder to be seen as anything more than a joke. These fake spells discredit a real spiritual/religious practice and every time someone comes along and yells you don't believe or think of the children it just further discredits what this site is about.

If a child wants to believe in fairys, fine. If a child wants to believe they could become one, fine. If they want to come to a site they are too young to be on and discover they cannot, that is on them and their parents. If they are playing violent video games, watching inappropriate TV, or going to websites not designed for their age, that is not my fault. It is the parents. I am not saying every parent is perfect nor they should watch them like a hawk, but they should be somewhat aware. I am not going around to children and telling them their imaginary world is nonsense. I am on a site for members thirteen and older who wish to learn about Paganism and Witchcraft, educating them on Paganism and Witchcraft. I have broken zero rules, and even if I could delete comments, which I cannot, I still would not.

Says who. Anything is possible just believe in what you are doing

Apr 22, 2019
Faeries are spiritual beings, you cannot become a different species with magick, this also goes for spirits. Although yes, faith is important in magickal practice, there are still limits to what can and cannot be done.

i know this has nothing to do with this spell but i am trying to find a way to remove a generation curse and am having a hard time can someone point me in the right direction please

May 24, 2022
Ask in the site forums, you can give more details and people can give more detailed responses. Generational curses can be tricky because there are usually specifics and those will help people determine what's required for the said curse to be removed [or if there's a curse at all, no offence. Sometimes, it's a family tale that scares everyone into cursing themselves by mistake. You can charge negative energy and harm yourself accidentally]

I'm an incarnated fairy

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