A ritual to invoke the power of Jashin, God of Death. Jashinism Relates back to Ancient Japan where People would kill and store their blood to offer to Jashin.
Casting Instructions for 'Get the Power of Jashin'
You will need the following items for this spell:
A Gallon of Human Blood
3 Candles
1 Body Offering
Daily Blood Offering
1 Jashin Necklace (Opt.)
You will need the following items for this spell:
A Gallon of Human Blood
3 Candles
1 Body Offering
Daily Blood Offering
1 Jashin Necklace (Opt.)
Doing this ritual grants you immortality and strength. Don't mess with this unless you are willing to give your soul to Jashin in return for these things.
Go outside, setting the blood on your foot while saying "Jashin, I prepare this for you". Now draw the symbol of Jashin as you say, "Jashin, give me your strength and immortality". Put the offering together and set on the ground as you say, "With these offerings I ask for what you have. I will give me soul in return for this exchange".
Put Candles on each point of the Trigram. Light the candles. When this is done, say: "Jashin, I wish upon my soul to be immortal. I pray to you, tonight let me die and be reborn like a God". When this is done, set the human body on fire. Bury the blood.
It does not matter if I have or not if it does not work. If you understood Real Magic, you would know this contradicts nature, and since Magic is ruled by nature on the physical plane, this does not work. Insisting i need to try it before I can be sure is the equivalent of claiming I cannot be certain I cannot breathe underwater unless I stick my head under and take a breath. Should you insist on ignore my explanation, by all means try it and see for yourself.
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