Go Into The Creepypasta/Marble Hornets Universe! **WORKS!!**

SpellsHealth  ► Teleportation  ► Go Into The Creepypasta/Marble Hornets Universe! **WORKS!!**
This is a spell to enter the Creepypasta/Marble Hornets universe!
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Pen

Casting Instructions for 'Go Into The Creepypasta/Marble Hornets Universe! **WORKS!!**'

Before we get started, let me say this:

This is a REAL method to go to different universes that many people have used and succeeded at.

I won't deny that a lot of spells on this site are nonsensical and poorly made, but this spell really works. 

This is not something I randomly made up, it is a real thing that has been known for at least 100 years (although I don't know when exactly it was discovered)

I wanted to get this out of the way since belief is important for this type of thing.


First of all, make sure you believe. As long as you believe, you can do this. There are tens of thousands of people who have succeeded at this, and the key thing is to believe.

I recommend doing this spell at night when you are tired enough to go to sleep. 

  1. Now, decide how you want the universe you're going to to be. As in, who will you be? What things will happen? You don't have to plan out any detail - in fact, you barely need to plan anything at all. But, knowing the basics will help. Some people like to write this down, but you don't have to.
  2. Then, grab your pen, and draw the operator on yourself. It can be anywhere - hand, wrist. Any place works.
  3. Disconnect with your current dimension, and connect with your Creepypasta / Marble Hornets dimension. Some ways of doing this include: Thinking of your future in Creepypasta/Marble Hornets universe, thinking of what you'll do, feeling the emotions you'll feel when you wake up there, looking at Creepypasta/Marble Hornets fanart, writing a fake diary entry of what happened in a day of your life in Creepypasta/Marble Hornets dimension, et cetera.
  4. Lie down in bed and close your eyes, and feel your surroundings as how they are in your Creepypasta/Marble Hornets dimension. Remember: You are already there. You just need to become aware of it. 
  5. Repeat this (or something similar) in your head: "I am in the [Creepypasta or Marble Hornets, wherever you're going] dimension." Believe the words. At this point, it is common to feel side effects, but if you don't, that is still completely normal and you will still end up in the Creepypasta/Marble Hornets dimension. Common side effects include: Tingling, seeing light, feeling like you're floating. You might also hear the sounds of the Creepypasta universe, because you're entering it.
  6. When you go to sleep, you will wake up in the Creepypasta/Marble Hornets dimension. This could also end up happening before you fall asleep, though.


Added to on Oct 20, 2024
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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yay thanks for this!

Okay, this spell has a few red flags I would like to address. Claiming it 100% works, and that thousands of people have done it should make you question who exactly. I could say I can fly, but if my only evidence is saying trust me or believe that should make you question it. Think of The Emperors New Clothes. He was naked, but nobody wanted to look foolish by saying ''The emperor is naked'' because the tailors assured everyone that it was invisible to fools. And since nobody wanted to look foolish, they all said ''Wow, what lovely clothes!'' No spell works 100% of the time for everyone. A spell might work for you, but not for someone else. This does not mean the spell does not work, but if someone claims it 100% works, this is a sign they might be trying to convince you a fake spell works. Same with saying you need to believe. Yes, you need to believe for a spell to work. You need to set your intention and believe it works to program the Magik you use in the spell. This does not mean it will 100% work 100% of the time, however. There are people who believe with their whole heart the earth is flat, but their belief does not change reality.

With all of this said, this sounds like a form of astral projection or mental shifting, which is possible. This does not mean it will work 100% of the time for every person, but if you practice every day, it should work. Give it a month and record your results after each session. Do not get discouraged if it does not work for you. It just means you need to find another method to astral project. I would add some meditation, cleansing bath, soothing tea, maybe some aromatherapy, to help you relax. You should also have something grounding after you complete this practice. This would shift your mind to another dimension, so when you return, you might struggle to tether yourself in the physical. If you keep getting flashes of the other reality, feel light headed, or as if in a daze, this is a sign you have not grounded properly. There are grounding meditations, but you could also eat some nuts, bread, or other heavy meal to root yourself in your physical.

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