Scrying Mirror

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SpellsHealth  ► Teleportation  ► Scrying Mirror
Spy on whoever you want with your mirror.

Casting Instructions for 'Scrying Mirror'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Mirror
  • Candle
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Mirror
  • Candle

Kneel down in front of the mirror put the candle in between you and the mirror hold your hand out like you are pressing it against a wall and say:"Mirror of light hidden in the dark, use my power and beat with my heart show my friends and spy my foes. Mirror of light come out of the dark show me those who beat in my heart hatred and love show me now."Then blow the candle out.


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Last edited on Jul 12, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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Hi what is the colour of the candle?

Feb 10, 2019
Within scrying, the candle is used to alter the light and allow for you to see images and forms within the mirror, the colour doesn't matter. That being said, this spell doesn't sound real. Scrying is not used to directly spy into the life of another person, it is used to tap into your subconscious mind, the look into yourself to find answers.

This is not how skrying mirrors work.

hope this works

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