Make Someone Less Attractive

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SpellsLife  ► Attractive  ► Make Someone Less Attractive
This spell makes someone else less attractive from a distance.

Casting Instructions for 'Make Someone Less Attractive'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • matches (stick)
  • dirt
  • candle (small and black)
  • picture
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • matches (stick)
  • dirt
  • candle (small and black)
  • picture
Take a picture of the person and place it face down on a table. Light the candle with the stick match and place the candle on top of the picture. While the candle burns sprinkle the dirt on and around the picture and candle while saying the following chant, the more times you say the chant the more unattractive the person will become.

Picture of the beauty learn,
Behind her back this spell does burn;
This filth, this dirt, the picture made,
The beauty's attraction seem to fade.

You may replace the word her with his as needed.


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