PDivine Purification

SpellsLife  ► Banishing  ► PDivine Purification
Helps to purify/cleanse your house/a spirit/a person.

Casting Instructions for 'PDivine Purification'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • A white candle (optional)
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • A white candle (optional)

Go to the place that you wanted to purify or cleanse.Now make sure you're in comfortable position to concentrate your mind and heart. Now, close your eyes.Visualize a circle of light surrounding you with bright lustrous light. Feels the safe within it. After that concentrate your heart and fills them with Love and Peace. Make the feelings getting stronger by visualizing the light within your heart and it's getting bigger and bigger.

After that, follow your will.If you wanted to purify/cleanse him/her badly, do it. Believe that you can do it no matter what happen. Point your hands to the target. Chant: "I call upon the divine spirit of the earth,please protect me, please hear my plea. The spirit/person/thing in front of me is not in peace and it needs your blessing badly. Now, through the power of (God/Goddess of??/Angel name), the spirit shall receive lights and wisdom from them and you will forever be free.So mote it be!"

When you chant those words, imagine the lights from your heart that you make flowing through your arms and hands. After you chant, imagine the light goes to the target and it's cleansing/purifying it. It needs time. After a few hours/minutes, the spirit shall be in peace and it'll thank to you.


Added to on Nov 24, 2016
Last edited on Jan 20, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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