To Banish Unwelcome Entities

SpellsLife  ► Banishing  ► To Banish Unwelcome Entities
How to banish negative or unwanted spirits & energy.

Casting Instructions for 'To Banish Unwelcome Entities'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • paper & pen/pencil
  • white candle
  • incense (any will do but best would be dragon's blood, frankincense, or sandalwood)
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • paper & pen/pencil
  • white candle
  • incense (any will do but best would be dragon's blood, frankincense, or sandalwood)

Begin by clearing your mind and taking some deep breaths to center yourself. Gather your ingredients and cleanse them in whatever manner you're most comfortable.

Draw a pentagram (or any other protective symbol that has meaning to you) on your piece of paper, in black ink if possible, and place it under your candle.

Light your candle and visualize this flame as a beacon of positivity and safety. As it begins to burn, chant

"blessed light, purifying flame

aid this banishing and act as my hearth.

with this light, all harm is driven far from here never to return.

unwelcome spirits are forced to flee by word of my will,

so mote it be."

Next, use the candle's flame to light your incense and walk around the space you wish to rid of unwanted energy. Move your incense in counter clockwise circles and continue to chant the spell. Make sure to smoke out the thresholds of your house/room - the doorways and windows. Try to reach the corners of each room as well, under beds and desks; anywhere that energy might hide and become stagnant. Be thorough in this step and linger anywhere you feel negative energy is the strongest and give the area an extra circle and chant. Use your intuition. Don't be afraid to get angry and loud as you chant; this is your space and you have a right to banish unwelcome guests!

Once you are finished with your incense, leave the candle burning until it is finished - try not to blow/snuff it out. Since this might take a couple of hours, I recommend moving both the candle (and paper with it) to your shower/bathtub where you can let it burn without fear that it will catch fire to anything should it fall over.

Let your candle burn as a way of locking the metaphorical door on whatever was causing you the haunting. The incense cleansing will have kicked the entity/energy out, but it's important to close and lock your doors. 

Lastly, wash your hands and visualize the water cleansing your hands of any energy that remains of the spell. Picture it washing away down the drain. You may not feel a difference right away, but you should definitely feel lighter/less paranoid as the candle burns down. 

Good luck!



Added to on Jan 05, 2023
Last edited on Jan 07, 2023
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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