Make a Wand

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SpellsLife  ► Enchantment  ► Make a Wand
This is an easy method to create your own wand.

Casting Instructions for 'Make a Wand'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Blue candle (water, west)
  • Carving knife
  • Green candle (earth, north)
  • Red candle (fire, south)
  • Stick (11 inches long, 4 inches wide)
  • White candle (air, east)
  • Yellow candle (spirit, world's economy)
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Blue candle (water, west)
  • Carving knife
  • Green candle (earth, north)
  • Red candle (fire, south)
  • Stick (11 inches long, 4 inches wide)
  • White candle (air, east)
  • Yellow candle (spirit, world's economy)

Cut the bark, branches, leaves, and stubs off of the stick. Shape it to look like a wand (wide to narrow). Make a septa gram with the candles. It should look like this:

  • Yellow
  • Blue Red
  • Green White

Stand in the middle of the septagram, holding the stick in your dominant hand ( hand you write with). Turn to the yellow candle and say, "Spiritus eros pellentesque hoc saeculum saeculi virga potentiae. Amen/omen."

Turn to the blue candle and say, "animalia maris, lignum hoc saeculum saeculi virga potentiae. Amen/omen." Turn to the green candle and say, "bestiis terræ, et dabit lignum in saeculum saeculi virga potentiae. Amen/omen." Turn to the white candle and say, "et volatilibus cæli, et ei in saeculum saeculi virga potentiae pellentesque. Amen/omen." Turn to the red candle and say, "flamma ignis de virga vires dabit lignum in saecula saeculorum. Amen/omen."

To turn it back to a normal stick, say, "consummatum."


Added to on May 04, 2013
Last edited on Mar 18, 2017
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