Enchanted Lava Rock

SpellsLife  ► Enchantment  ► Enchanted Lava Rock
This lava rock will help boost your confidence and strength of will, thus creating more powerful spells. It also protects against evil spirits.

Casting Instructions for 'Enchanted Lava Rock'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Lava Rock
  • Necklace To Fit The Lava Rock In
  • Allspice Oil
  • Bay Oil
  • Lilac Oil
  • Lotus Oil (If Doing High Spiritual Work, Can Be Depleted)
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Lava Rock
  • Necklace To Fit The Lava Rock In
  • Allspice Oil
  • Bay Oil
  • Lilac Oil
  • Lotus Oil (If Doing High Spiritual Work, Can Be Depleted)

Drop the oils onto the lava rock. Hold it in your power hand and chant:

 My God and Goddess, hear my prayer;

Bless this rock with power for me to bare.

Put the lava rock in the necklace. Close it and chant:

Now this rock has been enclosed;

So grant protection, give what I proposed.

(Remember! You must believe in yourself and that the spell will work, or it will not be effective. Good luck!)



Added to on Mar 06, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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