Neko spell

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SpellsLove  ► Body  ► Neko spell
This spell turns you into a Neko. Neko is creature with cat ears and cat tail. Note that cat ears and tail won't be permanent. Keep reading for more info.

Casting Instructions for 'Neko spell'

You will need the following items for this spell:

You will need the following items for this spell:


''Make me a Neko to frolick and play with a (color of tail) tail and (color of ears) ears. I want my tail to be (lenght of tail) long and want it to be (fluffiness).''

Repeat this spell 4 times every day until it works. You can say it anywhere anytime, it doesn't matter. Read carefully and clearly, you can whisper it, but make it clear.

Spell is taken from ''Nekoraaa'' on 43 things, she as well as many others claim it works.

- Spell works in 6 days
- Ears and tail appear when:
- You're emberassed
- You're mega excited
- You want them to appear



- Crave to eat milk or fish
- Subconsciously meowing
- Subconsciously purring when feeling comfortable
- Good balance
- Being able to climb up very high altitudes
- Landing on your feet when falling either from high or low altitudes
- Subconsciously scrathing everything soft and fluffy


Added to on Jan 28, 2013
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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Apr 04, 2019
Physical shifting is impossible.

You cannot physically shapeshift.

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