Wolf Neko Spell

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SpellsLove  ► Body  ► Wolf Neko Spell
This will let you have wolf ears wolf tail etc. Yes I have tried it so enjoy.

Casting Instructions for 'Wolf Neko Spell'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Nothin but You
  • Alone Time
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Nothin but You
  • Alone Time

Chant :


  "Beautiful graceful wolves I see. Come and help to transform me. I exchange my dull bare human ears for soft fluffy ( color ) wolf ears to aid in my hearing. I exchange my teeny tiny tailbone for a ( length ) fluffy ( color ) wolf tail to curl up with in my sleep. I will exchange my short human nails for a set of ( length ) wolf claws to help me catch my prey. I wish to trade my short dull canines for a pair of ( length ) fangs to help alongside my claws to hunt my prey. I ask of the cat goddess ( or god idk ) to help for-fill my wish. I wish and dream to be one of you. So blessed be ."


Your ears and tail and claws and fangs will be retractable. And here are the side affects down below.

Side Affects:
2:Back hurts
3:Teeth hurting and growing
4:Nails hurting and growing

P.S: Once the nails are done growing you can start
moving them.


Added to on May 28, 2015
Last edited on Apr 08, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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Not logical or even considered credible magick, does not work and will never work.

Jul 31, 2019
have you even tried it??? just because something ISN'T LOGICAL doesn't mean that something cant happen. and magic is about BELIEVING you CAN do it. if you don't/wont believe, than of course it wont work.

Jul 31, 2019
Magick isn't exclusively about belief. Saying that it is is simply untrue, and also excludes magickal traditions that require other things, such as certain ingredients or help from spirits. Also, dismissing logic itself doesn't make much sense, let's be honest. The word ''logical'' is defined by Oxford Dictionaries as being ''of or according to the rules of logic and formal argument'' and ''characterized by or capable of clear, sound reasoning.'' If you want to believe in things that don't have clear, sound reasoning I suppose that's up to you. At the end of the day, though, magick is a natural force that works within the confines of the physical world, not against them. S.Baron was just stating the truth,and if you want to dismiss the truth that's up to you, but don't spread misinformation to others in the meantime.

Apr 27, 2020
I don't think you even tried it

Apr 27, 2020
I love how several people explained why this does not work and you conclude we have not tried it and therefore our explanations should be ignored. Did you test gravity too? Real Magic on the physical plane does not defy nature. It is an energy that is a part of nature, if a spell claims it defies nature, it does not work because Magic does not defy natural law on the physical plane. Try it yourself and see, but we are speaking the truth.

Does this work

Apr 13, 2019
No, this is not a real spell. We cannot change our physical form with magick, especially not to give ourselves features not found within humans such as cat ears or tails.

I tried this multiple times, but received no results... I am truly disappointed...

Jun 03, 2019
It's a fake spell, you can't turn into a ''Neko'' or anything else other than human with magick.

Jul 31, 2019
maybe you said something wrong, or didn't believe. this sort of magic is about believing.

Apr 28, 2020
Belief is only one part of magick. It has limitations on the physical, contradicting nature to be exact. It won't work because it can't work. No amount of belief will change reality.

if it does work, how long does it take to get said ears and tail?

Jul 31, 2019
but it doesn't work. i don't know how clearer we have to be in our explanation, you've even tried and it never worked. magick is a natural energy that brings natural change. it is ruled by nature and cannot contradict nature. when you cast a spell you are directing this energy on a desired path to effect the energy surrounding a situation and bring that desired change to you. these changes are not physical ones [you can't say a spell and poof your acne is gone, but you can charge acne cream with energy to speed the effects, or create the illusion that your skin is clearer to others. it will not take away the acne in a blink of an eye] no amount of belief, or lack of belief, will change a law of nature. why these spells are on the site is because once someone is in a council position in a coven [like spell casters coven] they can post anything and not be stopped, so we get a ton of fake spells which brings people to the site, which creates ad revenue, and the site remains free for everyone to use. those of us telling you about reality aren't trying to be mean, or hurtful, we are trying to educate based on our study, research, practice, and knowledge on the craft. this isn't a group of us getting together to discourage you while we secretly fly on brooms and turn people into newts [they got better] it's real witches, living in the real world, telling your the real facts about real magick. it does not contradict nature. period. end of. you. are. human. please hear us when we say these facts.

Oct 04, 2020
Nekoshema let people believe and don't get newcomers hopes down

Oct 05, 2020
@BlazeHat, you seriously just ignored my entire explanation and decided to go ''hump, you're mean.'' They came to this site to learn real magick. This isn't real magick. We're trying to teach people so they don't waste their time and get discouraged. That's it. Just because you disagree with someone, doesn't make your belief true. Nobody's stopping you from trying these spells. We're trying to educate. If you chose to ignore the warning ''the stove is hot, don't touch'' and get burned, it's not our fault. We warned you. What you do with that information is up to you.

@FireLycan55, how long are the side effects?

I love this spell even now I haven't tried it yet but I will try it soon!

You cannot physically grow wolf ears and tail.

Apr 27, 2020
So I'm still

Apr 28, 2020
Todobaludeku, what do you mean by, So I am still? You cannnot become an actual werewolf, sure you can pretend you are a werewolf. Tadashi is stating an actual fact that you cannot become werewolf. There is no logic. [sorry if I sound like I am in a horrible mood].

Apr 28, 2020
Also, I just realized I spelt your name wrong, so I am sorry.

CloudDreams what I mean is I am still going to try it is fine if you spelled my name wrong it happens

Apr 30, 2020
Darn autocorrect TwT. Anyways...I do not see any point in trying to talk you out of it, so good luck..I guess..I feel like I have been so mean towards people, I am sorry I do not mean to be. Just..I am stressed is all.

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