Love potion_69.1

SpellsLove  ► Body  ► Love potion_69.1
My first potion recipe. Of course I am doing it for so long.. This potion is not one of those fake. It's alcohol potion. And if you prepare it properly and give it to your boy, he will jump on you like you know each other for hundred sixty nine years. (work just on boys. You have to know he likes you. He don't need to love you. Just ask him if you are beautiful. If you are ugly, this will don't help you. Magic can't do thing like that. Just jump from trumptower in pool with sharks.

Casting Instructions for 'Love potion_69.1'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • We will need:
  • Cinnamon powder,
  • Sandal wood,(make him brave)
  • Powerful red wine,
  • Three balls of pepper,
  • One chilly,
  • Four lists of peppermint.
  • Put cinnamon as much as you want. How more, how better.
  • But not very much!!
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • We will need:
  • Cinnamon powder,
  • Sandal wood,(make him brave)
  • Powerful red wine,
  • Three balls of pepper,
  • One chilly,
  • Four lists of peppermint.
  • Put cinnamon as much as you want. How more, how better.
  • But not very much!!
Put cinnamon(half of cup or more) with sandal wood powder in bottle with red wine and and all other ingredients for five days in cold and dark room. After that, you can serve.

Before you do it, how does that spell work. This combination of ingredients will make your victim brave, so he will don't have problem with kissing you. But don't use if you don't want to have a night with him!! It will make him very VERY hard and powerful erection, and he will need help with that. Soo.. Good luck with.. With.. Umm.. Playing?


Added to on May 08, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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This will not work. As for the ingredients themselves, large quantities of cinnamon is dangerous, so do not use the amount this suggests. ''Balls of pepper'' do you mean peppercorn? ''Powerful red wine'' do you mean wine with a high alcohol content or strong taste. If taste, what flavours exactly? Regardless, this will cause more harm than make someone lust after you.

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