Succubus tail spell (Females only!)

SpellsLove  ► Body  ► Succubus tail spell (Females only!)
This is a spell to give you a succubus' tail. Warning: You may experience increased lust towards your lover.

Casting Instructions for 'Succubus tail spell (Females only!)'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Belief
  • Voice
  • Breasts
  • The desire for your tail
  • A bed where you can do this in private
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Belief
  • Voice
  • Breasts
  • The desire for your tail
  • A bed where you can do this in private

Go to your bed, and turn off all lights, and cover all windows. Lay down on your bed, and begin to squeeze your breasts. While continuing to squeeze your breasts, chant the following 5 times: "Succubus, succubus, lend me a tail. I do not care if I fail. I want the love, I want the lust. A succubus tail, get one I must!" If you cannot handle chanting this while squeezing your breasts, you must remain calm and focus. Continue to squeeze your breasts for 5 minutes after, but do not stop. In several months, you will have a succubus' tail. Be careful, as you may find your lover far more irresistible than they already were, and may lose control of your actions temporarily.


Added to on Sep 20, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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asking for girlfriend does this work?

Jan 13, 2019
This is a fake spell. It will not work.

You have to believe in spells to make it work

Jan 13, 2019
No. Belief will not make this work. It is fake.

Jan 13, 2019
How do you know it fake?

Apr 02, 2019
It's fake because it is not possible, no matter how hard you believe, that you will grow a tail.

May 04, 2019
This spell is fake, you cannot do anything that’s not possible in real life. (Fly, teleport, gain fantasy powers, become a Neko magical girl, etc)

All da ppl that say ''It's fake'',it's not cause I have done multiple spells and they have always worked.

Jul 08, 2019
Just because you've had spells work doesn't mean this particular one works. The people saying this is fake aren't saying magick isn't real, they're saying this spell isn't.

Okay guys- you might not believe me but it works but not in the way you think it would work. I am not growing a tail or something but what happens is true- it will only happen spiritually btw- this spell slightly scares me now and i dont know how to reverse it. I dont want my sin to be lust. (And remember it does no physical changes)

Sep 09, 2019
You grew a spiritual tail? I'll go out on a limb and say you did [because physically it will never happen, astrally people claim anything] you want to undo the tail, I don't know how, a cleansing might help, but if you're stuck with a spiritual/astral tail use it as a reminder to think before casting and be careful what you wish for

Dec 10, 2019
Well I'm pretty sure you should of thought about that, now all you will know is lust, just humanity, to sin is death, that is your penalty, just like humanity to follow after Sin, they are always wrathful, full of sloth, and are to lazy to acheive anything on their own, they are always greedy and gluttonous for power, they envy what other people have(even tho what they have is plentiful), and they are full of lust, and prideful not so much, if they had any honor or pride they wouldn't follow after Sin, and the reason I'm talking as if I'm not human, is because if this is what it means to be human, then I reject being a part of humanity

Apr 02, 2020
I know a spell that can undo any spell quite easily, but if you use the spelling that ends in k it may not help, as its offensive in the way i use magic.

Apr 03, 2020
This is not rhe all undoer spell, but a safe one if you ise the k. Well safe as in it likely wont harm you for it. Spell: Focus on the tail, and traits more desirable, but destinctly like yourself. For example, you are timid and resourceful, so you may go/think fox. Youll find you can move the tail where you could not before and if going by the example it became a foxes. As you said about not wanting the sin of lust, youll find you cannot move the tail as was not yours. Once you have the tail of what is like you, be honest on trait similarity ot it will fail simply will it away, as it was yours it will fade. There you go there if needed.

You cannot grow a physical tail.

If anyone tried this and it worked what are the effects. Disclaimer I know you can’t physically grow a tail but, I am saying it would be astral

Apr 06, 2022
Hypothetically, if this gave you an astral tail, there wouldn't be any physical side effects. You may feel something similar to sensing energy [like when someone loses a limb they have phantom sensations as if the limb was there] but there wouldn't be anything like pain or randomly knocking things off shelves when you turn. In the astral, you would be able to feel/use the tail as it would be part of your astral form.

Apr 06, 2022
Cool thanks

why dont you just do it and find out huh

Feb 28, 2023
Because magic doesn't defy common sense. It doesn't make the impossible possible, which is what a lot of people like to think for some reason.

Feb 28, 2023
Because those of us educating members on Real Magik know what is and is not possible. On the physical, Magik is a force of nature and does not defy nature. You cannot grow a physical tail.

Feb 28, 2023
As everyone above has explained, when you know how magick works on the physical, you don't need to try out every spell. You can read it over and decipher if a spell works or not. We are trying to impart our knowledge onto new members so they don't waste their time on fake spells. However, nobody is going to stop you from trying it. We're just witches with more experience explaining why a spell won't work. If you want to ignore us and try a spell, go for it. [provided the spell isn't harmful like ''drink this poison and learn to fly'' then I'd say don't try it, but if its ''say this phrase and become a were-rabbit vampire with sparking wings and a Dragon tail'' fine. That should only hurt your ego]

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