Eye Color Change Spell

SpellsLove  ► Body  ► Eye Color Change Spell
This is an old and reliable spell that has worked every time i've used it. Very easy spell for beginners.

Casting Instructions for 'Eye Color Change Spell'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • 2 of an object from nature that are the color you want your eyes to be
  • Paper
  • Colored Pencils or Crayons
  • A Pen
  • A Mirror or Helper
  • Patience
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • 2 of an object from nature that are the color you want your eyes to be
  • Paper
  • Colored Pencils or Crayons
  • A Pen
  • A Mirror or Helper
  • Patience
  1. Take your paper and draw 2 eyes. Make sure to color them your natural color using the pencils or crayons.
  2. With a pen, write your name in between the eyes of your drawing.
  3. Ask your helper to use the same pen and write your initials between your actual eyes. If you don't have a helper, you may use a mirror.
  4. Put the objects you chose (flowers,leaves,bark,etc) over the eyes of the drawing.
  5. Stare at the picture and prepare to speak clearly and respectively.
  6. Say this Chant twice:

"Mother of Nature, how beautiful you are!

Let me carry this shade near and far. 

My eyes shall be as gorgeous as can be,

And this vibrant color will help me see

My Irises will be ( insert color) and will surely shine

Let your enchanting gift also be mine.

So Mote it Be!"

The spell will take effect in one week but you must not look at your reflection until then or the spell will not work! Perfection takes time and Mother Earth does not like those who rush! Also be respectful to nature when collecting your materials.


Added to on Dec 05, 2019
Last edited on Nov 01, 2022
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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