Verbal Spellcraft
Casting Instructions for 'Verbal Spellcraft'
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Uses: Energy Conversion(into anything really,) Conjoring, Spiritual Contact, and Generally Making Chants for Spells
Detailed Info: Using words we are able to alter our world with words, whether thinking them or speaking them. As humans in this age we use words as a way to project our intention. Thoughts manifest causing a vibration, and speaking furthers that manifestation into stronger vibrations hense commanding the world around us if we have the will. Your thoughts and feelings heavily effect your output which is why so many say to have faith in your work. Whether it's true or not, the most successful mages and alchemists have said that everything is vibrations. And that is a great way to think of it to get a hold on all forms of magic, so even your mind and thoughts can produce a special level of vibration in this light projection of a world.
Language Differences: Using your native language usually doesn't work so well because it seems fake, especially if your reading this in English as that language has been designed to not we as freindly to casters. It along with many has a very dark past. Although there isnt a language that hasn't been tainted, we still have less tainted ones. So I will list off the one's not to use; English, Spanish, Chinese, Australian. If you have dark intentions then your best chances are with; Spanish(the version spoken in Spain), Latin, French. Note: Latin is a old and powerful language used by many of the saurians and possibly crafted by them. The essence of Latin is dark feels cloying.
Words Within Yourself: An art you must be careful not to go full board with or you could me like a madman. For this it usually happens when you start to practice magic, you feel this sort of feeling of magic and begin to generate words that seem to be none sense, of course most of it is. But some you will feel it has meaning, you can seek out these barley pronouncable words and feel it for meaning. Sometimes it has more meaning then can be explained in english. It's something that usually takes years but with it you will have you own chants that only apply to you, and expose something about yourself.
Forming Chants: Using a language of choice as instructed above you can form your chant, or even what has been disguised as made up myths... you would only recognize it as thuum or shouts. But they are simply small and powerful chants commanding something into the world without ritual. We have long since lost any dragon languages or saurian tongues... as far as the public knows I would guess. So we can try to use some the easily learned human languages to Alvaki (thuum basically)
If anyone would like to get a translation on an Angelic Language for their chant I would be happy to help, so long as it is used for light. Unless by some luck a person who reads this is close enough for me to train, I will not be teaching this complex language over internet, I wouldn't like to die with this however, I must share my knowlege.
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The voice is ndeed a manifestor, as it takes the intangible (thoughts, ideas, intentions) and projects it out as something physical.
I am not sure where the idea of certain languages being 'bad' Compared to others other than perhaps personal biases/preferences though. Any one language is just as use-able as the other, as it is our understanding of it and it's meanings that matters. It is our connection/cognizance of what we are saying- our investment into each statement which gives the words not just meaning, but power. For some, Latin is powerful because of the focus, study, and careful design needed to utilize the language. It takes more effort and focus, and so invests more meaning. For others, Latin is nonsensical and so more is lost than gained. For still others a language like Latin might be an effort of respect- calling on ancient deities in their ancient language as a demonstration of working on their terms over your own.
I find that one thing which gets overlooked when it comes to the power of thought and word is that this 'power' is always there, whether or not we are actively engaging it. One of the many lessons missed on a magical and spiritual path is remembering mindfulness-not just during magic but in day life. Our thoughts and words colour our daily lives every moment of every day. Understanding the power of words in magic should be seen as a reminder of the power of words in life.
Words do indeed contain power. You should use the language you are most comfortable with. There is no good or bad language to use in spell casting. Though, I did find the list of no no languages hilarious. Australian got me. Did you mean regional dialects or Austrian? Magik is a neutral energy and our intention gives this energy a charge. Saying things with enough conviction can cast a spell. Think about how you feel when you say negative things about yourself. In these moments, you are cursing yourself. You are telling the universe what you are. That is how affirmations work. While you might not believe you are confident, for example, looking in the mirror every morning and saying with all of your chest ''I am confident'' tells the universe what you are. When you call yourself a failure, the opposite occurs. Yes, we all have bad days, but being aware of how we speak can change our life. For every negative thing you say, you need to say ten positive things. Negative energy is denser and will weigh you down. Think about when you are in a good mood. You feel like jumping. Think of when you are in a bad mood, you slouch and want to curl into a ball. That is how positive and negative energy effects the body.
As for angelic languages, there are other types of languages one can cast in. However, they are not better than another. It depends on what you are calling on. Latin is not inherently evil or Magikal. Latin was used by the church and Witches used it as a way to mock the church. If you know Latin and feel more Witchy using Latin, use Latin. But do not assume your spell will fail without Latin. You need conviction behind your words and if you do not understand what you are saying, how will you be confident in your words?Print Spell |
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