Summon Creepypastas/Slenderman (Become a Proxy)
- Pen
- Paper
- Voice
- Blood (Optional)
- Full/Blood moon (Optional)
- 4th day of the month (Optional)
- April (Optional)
- Nighttime (Optional)
Casting Instructions for 'Summon Creepypastas/Slenderman (Become a Proxy)'
Attract Lover ritual kit
If you want to become a proxy for Slenderman, there is no application you can fill out or interview you should attend. The only people who have a chance at recruitment are those who are already getting stalked by the creepypastas. Now, I advise you to be careful, as this is risky and could potentially end up ruining your life, but if you really want to become a proxy, here is the way to get recruited through magick:
Get your piece of paper, and with a pen/blood, draw an operator symbol on it.
Beneath the symbol, write this: "I intend to contact Slenderman and the creepypastas and I pledge to be a proxy. I will do whatever Slenderman tells me to do, whatever that may be, and sacrifice all that I must for Him; He who ALWAYS WATCHES yet has NO EYES."
Turn the lights off in your room, and hold the paper to the wall, and lean on it with your forehead on the symbol, and close your eyes. Keep them shut.
Say this: "Slenderman, Slenderman, all the children try to run; Slendeman, Slenderman, to Him it's part of the fun. Slenderman, Slenderman, dressed in darkest suit and tie; Slenderman, Slenderman, you most certainly will die."
In your mind, call out "Slenderman" until you feel as if He is there. Once He is, tell him, through your thoughts, that you feel as if you are suited to be a proxy. Don't just be like "OMG I want 2 b a proxy cuz I have a HUGE crush on Jeff the Killer and my heart would EXPLODE from joy if i met him UWU hes my husband!! XD", tell him actual reasons you should serve him, tell him that you would be suitable for the job.
Then, say the Proxy Pledge: "I'm here to serve. I will not disobey or lie to my master. I will be with my partner whether I like it or not. After I accept this life I can no longer return to my old one. I'm nor human nor demon, I am a proxy, and I'm here to serve my master." Draw an Operator Symbol in the air with your finger while saying it.
Now, the ritual is done. You can fold the piece of paper up and keep it somewhere in your room if you want, or throw it away. Keeping it near you would keep the energy near you which could give you more results, but it's not necessary.
What this spell does is make Them aware of you and prompt Them to start stalking you, making you someone that might become a proxy. You will get Slendersickness. Real Slendersickness is slightly different than it is in the Creepypasta stories and slenderseries. This is what real Slendersickness is like:
Slendersickness Symptoms:
Homicidal thoughts
Coughing up blood
Loss of appetite
Loss of empathy
Dreams about Creepypastas
Seeing visions about Creepypastas
Aches and pains around body
Hearing ringing in ears/static
Seeing static
Urge to draw Operator Symbols
Seeing Operator Symbol when eyes are closed
Now, I’m going to tell you the risks of summoning Slenderman and the Proxies, and I’ll tell you what it’s like, from my knowledge of multiple peoples experiences, to be a victim of Theirs.
Once you’re getting stalked by Them, chances are they see you as a potential proxy. I can’t say exactly what Proxy life is like, but what I do know is that there are two main groups of proxies you should know about: we’ll call them Black Pawns and White Pawns.
You know the types of proxies you generally see in fiction? Strong, valuable servants of Slenderman that He protects and that do jobs for him? Those are the Black Pawns. Their lives aren’t perfect, but they’re a lot better than those of White Pawns. These are the proxies that are more important to Slenderman, that are his valued, trusted servants. These are what you want to be.
Then, there are the White Pawns, the ones that are lower on the hierarchy. Nobody really cares about White Pawns; they aren’t valued, and Slenderman would leave them to die. They have difficult lives and don’t get to experience that job they were hoping to get, serving Slenderman. Generally, a White Pawn is kind of split into two parts, and one part will be them (a broken down, depressed version) and the other part will be what I’d say is either their Proxy self, or Slenderman possessing them. It’s hard to know. They’ll find out they hurt themselves significantly or wrote poetry that they don’t remember doing in that state. I assume they are the product of Slenderman needing someone to do smaller jobs for Him, and then abandoning them. Black Pawns also experience this kind of thing, but it's not their main purpose.
A pattern I’ve kind of noticed, (Honestly, I don’t have a lot of proof of this, but I think it’s a pretty solid theory) is that the people who end up being White Pawns are not similar to the Creepypastas and do not have many traits associated with being useful proxies, whereas Black Pawns are similar to Creepypastas and do seem to be potential good proxies. This makes me think that a White Pawn is what becomes of a person who was rejected from being a Proxy.
I know multiple people who were stalked by Creepypastas and became Black/White pawns. White Pawns always experienced mental anguish before suddenly disappearing. Some Black Pawns suddenly stopped getting stalked and went back to a normal life, but some disappeared.
Black Pawns go under a process called Proxification, which is when they transform into their Proxy self. They’ll develop a separate identity, with a different name and everything, and slowly become them. These identities are often stronger, more creepypasta-like… People who become Black Pawns also say that they suddenly found clothes they’d never seen before and they knew it was their new proxy selfs outfit. I know of someone who once started searching through their room; they said they didn’t know what they were looking for, but that they’d know once they found it, and found clothes that seemed to have appeared out of nowhere. I’ll tell you what I noticed from those undergoing Proxification:
Proxification Symptoms:
Feelings of not being human
Sensation of electric running through body
Weight loss
Strength increase
Hair colour change
Eye colour change
Higher pain tolerance
Never getting hungry, tired, or thirsty
Injuries healing abnormally fast
And, these are the symptoms I noticed from all of my, and many other peoples Slenderman encounters:
Loud ringing in ears
Hearing loud static
Seeing static
Urge to draw operator symbols
Here are some more of what I know:
Slenderman can teleport, and people have seen Him everywhere. I know someone who went on holiday far away and He followed them there.
Not all Creepypastas exist; it’s mainly the classic ones. E.J., Jeff, BEN, Toby, L.J., Masky, and Hoody definitely exist. Lazari, Sally, Smile dog, and Clockwork might exist but I don’t have enough evidence to conclude anything. I haven’t heard anything from anyone about encountering any other Pastas, so I doubt they exist. I believe The Observer might exist based on some evidence, but I can’t say for certain.
Please, DON'T kill your family or classmate in hopes it’ll make you a proxy. There have been multiple incidents like that and none of those people got recruited, they just got sent to jail.
Finding random cuts/scratches on your skin is a sign of being stalked by Them.
They have the ability to teleport and appear/disappear.
All of them can induce selective invisibility, but you might still be able to sense Their presence.
They can hack you.
Anyway, be careful. They aren’t silly cute anime characters, you could actually end up dead. I know about this sort of thing, so if you have any questions, you can ask me in the comments. Goodbye.
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