Summon an Incubus

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SpellsLove  ► Sexual  ► Summon an Incubus
It will help summon an Incubus.

Casting Instructions for 'Summon an Incubus'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Pentagram
  • Candle
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Pentagram
  • Candle

At night close your door in a secure room. Then start to masterbate. When you're about to have an orgasm turn it into sexual spritual energy and say: "Oh Lilith, send your slave under me so I can relax the sexual tension, please".


Added to on Dec 25, 2012
Last edited on Jan 29, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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I will try this.

Im going to try this right away

Sep 28, 2019
Don't know if it worked yet

It doesn't work straight away just to notify. Try a couple of times every other night, maybe you'll get lucky. Sure this ''spiritual'' stuff is real, but more belief will do the trick to anyone who thinks magic is a toy. But, magic can have its limits.

will this work for guys like me.?

Feb 27, 2020
I'm unsure if this specific one would work for anyone, but anyone can summon an incubus regardless of gender identity. [they aren't picky, they want the energy generated from sex, it doesn't matter what type of sex]

I'm a girl does that can bring me a good orgasm but does the demon can process me ?

Apr 03, 2020
odd way to describe it, but technically, yes? In exchange for sexual gratification, the incubus would absorb the energy generated during the act. You can harness sexual energy by placing crystals and other objects by the bed to charge them, or while building to the orgasm, focusing on an intended outcome [love, luck, money] and at the peak, release the energy on the desired path. Most people don't tap into the energy generated and it fades away. Sexual demons feed off it, so they create an exchange. The danger, however, is it's common for them not to realize/care how drained you are, and cause the human to grow weaker. This can result in you getting sick and dying. Just something to be aware of.

I dont understand you use the spell to relax the sexual tension but you are already going to orgasm so it is already going to go and if you do hold it in right when the demon does its job you are going to be done really fast

Won't you end up ejaculating really fast if you manage to hold it in once the demon has appeared? And if you do end up ejaculating before the demon comes will it just continue and basically rape you?

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