Eavesdropping spell

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SpellsLove  ► Trust  ► Eavesdropping spell
Focus in on certain voice(s) in a crowded place

Casting Instructions for 'Eavesdropping spell'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Speak clearly
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Speak clearly
It works better if you have another person/people to do it with, but that might just be me.

''Echo and hum, racket and din,
Clamor and clatter, outside and in,
Hush to silence, heed our call,
To tacit peace and quiet do fall,
voices we/I seek rise above all''


Added to on Apr 20, 2013
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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How long will this last?

Another question dose this work

A chant will not give you the ability to overhear a conversation. Audio or psychic, will not work.

May 16, 2024
magic can work if you worship the devil

May 17, 2024
There is no devil in The Craft. Magik is a natural force. It does not matter if you worship a deity or not. Magik will work based on nature. The devil is a Christian construct and has nothing to do with Witchcraft. The vast majority of Pagans do not believe in the devil.

Sep 12, 2024
Good to know

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