Group Shapeshifter Spell
A spell to give a group of people shapeshifter forms. They must all have at least one form in common for it to work. I suggest following up with subliminals, shifting and rituals.
You will need the following items for this spell:
- Aqua aura quartz (one for each person, to connect to other worlds)
- Gemstone wand (preferably a translucent stone like quartz or selenite)
- Shaman stone (for earth energy connection)
- Knife
- White candle for each person
- Black candle
- Quartz stone for each person
- Labradorite for each person
- Three amethysts
- Eight fluorites
- Salt
- Type-specific items for each person
- Bowl (or other receptacle) of water
- Catnip
- Garlic
- Lavender
- Peppermint
- Bay laurel
- Poppy seeds
- Any other herbs you deem useful
- Papers with the ritual script (optional but recommended)
- Outdoors
- Full or new moon at night (recommended)
Casting Instructions for 'Group Shapeshifter Spell'
Candle Colors
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The leader begins the rite by saying: ''By the moon, the sun, and the endless powers of the cosmos, I bring the power of the universe to our rite.''
All the others say at approximately the same time: ''Mote it be.''
All candles are lit, starting with the leader lighting the center candle, then the lighter passed around to light each white candle.
The leader continues: ''Allow us entry into realms only imagined. Allow our hands to touch a power unknown and become one in mind and body, our souls humming to the rhythm of the forms we choose to embody. As all and as one, we call forth the power of the (shared type), the spirits of the (shared), the ghosts of the past, the patron deities of their race.''
Everyone points their aqua aura towards the black candle. A shaman stone is passed around, and as each person holds it they say a chant. The person to the left of the leader starts: ''I, (name), accept the burden of the (type) and accept the embodiment of its perfect form in mind, body and soul.''
When everyone is done, the leader says the same statement, then puts down the wand and stones and takes the knife in their hand. They say: ''Gods and goddesses of the wind, of the deep seas and the flame, and of the earth beneath us all, grant us the energy and power of the shift that we may uphold thy rule and the duty of protection.''
All others in the circle say: ''So shall it be.''
The leader takes the knife and carves their name in their candle. Everyone else does the same. When all the candles are carved, the leader takes out the bowl. They first throw their herbs into the bowl, saying: ''I, (name), take on the mind, body and soul in perfect form of (shared type), (other types etc.).'' Everyone else repeats this as the bowl is passed around. Finally, everyone holds up the items of their forms and say at the same time:
''Speed of night, ghosts of light,
Grant our plea of shifter's flight.
Join us one alike in soul
To meet our common magic goal.
Pierce us and manifest yourself true,
Beneath the stars of white and sky of blue.
Kin of our kin, now the starry-eyed kind,
Our souls to theirs and bodies entwined.
Mote it be!''
The leader now heats up the bowl over their candle. The bowl is passed around until the water is hot, then it is stirred with the wand while all focus on their form/s through the whole process. When the potion is finished, each person anoints themselves with it while saying a prayer to the world and the beings present about why they need their form/s and a humble request to gain them. When everyone is done, the leader says a final chant: ''By our wishes and the divine love, the clouds and sky and stars above, we ascend to higher beings, our selves thrumming to the feeling.'' Then they dip the wand in the potion and pour the rest of it over the candles to extinguish them. The circle is closed and cleaned up.
Suggested items for each type:
Avians, bird shifters, or harpies - Feathers
Fae or elves - Coins or arrowheads
Canines - Bones
Felines - Catseye stone or cat fur
Naga, lamias, kobolds or dragons - Scales, real or fake, or precious items
Bears - Acorns or other nuts in their natural state
Ungulates - horns, antlers, horsehair
Mustelids - Mirrors or divination items
Rodents or rabbits - grains, rocks, sand
Mers, scylla - Shells, necklaces, jewelry
Kemonos, anthros - Items corresponding to your base species
Message me if you need help with other types. Use shifting, subliminals, small rites and prayer to achieve your results. Feel free to scale this down or modify it, spells are meant to be modified.
RenMistmoon has been a member of the site for 8 years, since Mar 03, 2017
Added to
Spells Of Magic
on Jul 04, 2017
Last edited on Feb 26, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
Last edited on Feb 26, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
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Reading this was a bit nostalgic because I used to do spells like this with my friends back when I was in middle school and had no idea how magick worked lol. Of course nothing happened, because physical shapeshifting is impossible, so nothing like this would work.
Physical shapeshifting isn't possible. I used to use spells like these as a kid. They were my dream spells. But sometimes dreams have to stay dreams.
I used to hate how people commented on these posts in matter of fact or derogatory ways. I say this kindly to inform you, not to upset you.
Good luck with your practice!
anything in fantasy isn't real because you cant shape shift (in the physical plane)
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