To Bind A Love To You

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SpellsSpiritual  ► Enchanting  ► To Bind A Love To You
This is a very simple spell that should be used with caution. It is used to bind another person romantically to you.

Casting Instructions for 'To Bind A Love To You'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • a red candle
  • a spool of red thread
  • a piece of paper or parchment
  • a red ink pen
  • a needle
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • a red candle
  • a spool of red thread
  • a piece of paper or parchment
  • a red ink pen
  • a needle
First you must stick the needle through the wick of the red candle. Now light it. As it burns, focus on the flame while saying once:

''Needle in the flame, needle in the fire, pierce (his/her) thoughts, make (him/her) writhe, agonize if (him/her) heart turns from me.''

Leave the candle to burn as you write on the piece of paper the name of your beloved. Fold this paper as small and then wrap the thread around it over and over and over while repeating this:

''I to you, you to me, (Name of your beloved), I bind you to my heart, faithful you will be. You will love none other, I bind you to me.''

Keep going until you no longer see paper, only thread. Once you have finished, you must take the candle and pour the hot wax to seal the paper and thread. Once this is completed you must blow out the candle and remove the needle. Stick the needle through the charm and finish the spell by saying:

''As I will it, so it shall be.''


Added to on Mar 05, 2012
Last edited on Jul 31, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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Does the needle get removed from the charm? I removed it a day later. If it is suppose to stay in should I reinsert it or do I need to do the spell over from the start. FYI...I think a thicker thread like embroidery is better than sewing thread. Also should it be stored out of site, on my alter or carried with me?

Mar 09, 2019
The needle should be in the charm and not removed. If you feel you should recast the whole thing do so [i can't feel the energy from the charm so I can't tell you if you should redo the whole thing, but it'll be like you broke a piece off a figurine and glued it back on, still good although not perfect] use whatever string you feel works best in my opinion. What to do with it I'm not 100% sure, whatever you feel is best. Altar or carry it with you if you interact with this person regularly. Third option is to bury it. You might also consider making a box to store it and deal with it at a later date [say you get married and put various other items of your love in the box] a word of caution on this spell, first nothing guarantees someone will love you forever, this spell might bring this person to you for a little while but you both have to work on the relationship. What this spell will do is bind you together, so if you break up, be sure to undo the charm or you will keep running into each other.

Mar 11, 2019
Thank you Nekoshema, I believe I will recast.

Hi, Can I use a picture of the person as well? And do i need to recast again afterwards? Thanks

Blow out or snuff the candle?

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