More Powerful Than Spells

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SpellsSpiritual  ► Enchanting  ► More Powerful Than Spells
Most spells can be made into thought forms, usually with less effort that doing the spell itself. Create a psi ball, name it, instruct it on what its function is, and where to draw energy from. And finally what it is to do once its task is complete and then send it on its way.
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • None

Casting Instructions for 'More Powerful Than Spells'


Few if any have enough energy to work our craft alone. We must and should learn to draw energy from other sources. Working in a group, we can draw energy from the group. There are many more powerful sources that we can and should be utilizing. As you are probably aware we can create a thought form and feed it energy to complete the function we make it for. There are thousands of very powerful thought forms that others have made. We can tap into their energy as well as the four elements, the Sun and the Moon can also be used.

First rule: never use your own energy if you can find any other source.
Rule two: There are always other sources available.

Drawing energy is not that hard but like most things it requires practice, just as you can draw in Prana with breathing exercises, you can also draw in other energy, Mana from the Earth, energy from fire and water, and as mentioned before from powerful thought forms.
Most spells can be made into thought forms, usually with less effort that doing the spell itself. Create a psi ball, name it, instruct it on what its function is, and where to draw energy from. And finally what it is to do once its task is complete and then send it on its way. (this last part is very important, you want to make sure that you “Kill” the thought form once it has completed its task)

Example: Spell to heal another. Make a pis ball, Name it “Heal (name)”. Instructions – Go to (name) and send healing energy into his/her body at a level that will help and not harm. Continue to do so until he/she is will. Draw energy needed from the “Hail Mary” thought form. When (name) is healed, release your remaining energy slowly into the Earth and dissolve. Thank you, now go to (name).

As you see it is not that hard and none of the magical tools and rituals are needed. Being the thought form has its own energy source it will be more effective than any spell that only has the energy available that was used when it was cast. It is not hard to convert most spells into a thought form. I believe that you will find that they are easier and more effective than spells.

If you have found your magick not working well, then give this a few tries, you should be presently surprised. Remember the rules of three still apply and will come back harder than ever if you use it to alter ones free will or to do harm. You are not an agent of Karma, it does not need your help. Seek no revenge, hate, wickedness and evil eats into your soul, do not carry them with you. You have been warned. Consider your actions carefully before casting any spell or creating any thought form.


Added to on Dec 12, 2012
Last edited on Oct 31, 2022
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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Have you practiced this and had good returns?

Aug 20, 2019
This practice of creating a thought form is often called a servitor and is basicly an A.I.used to Procter a spell for shorter or longer periods of time With practice creating a servitor to carry out your craftwork is extremely effective Always write down any servitor you create and when you made it and as aislyn stated always deconstruct your servitor

What if we have enough energy in ourselves.

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