Jar Love Spell

SpellsSpiritual  ► Enchanting  ► Jar Love Spell
Use this jar to sweeten someone to you or to an idea you have. This spell is slow to take effect so patience is necessary.

Casting Instructions for 'Jar Love Spell'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • parchment paper(petition paper)
  • red candle(s)
  • photo of you
  • photo of target
  • lavender or clove honey
  • cinnamon stick
  • red pen
  • red wine
  • latex gloves
  • lodestones(optional)
  • personal concerns(optional)
  • red thread (optional)
  • magical oil (optional)
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • parchment paper(petition paper)
  • red candle(s)
  • photo of you
  • photo of target
  • lavender or clove honey
  • cinnamon stick
  • red pen
  • red wine
  • latex gloves
  • lodestones(optional)
  • personal concerns(optional)
  • red thread (optional)
  • magical oil (optional)
Take the name/picture of the one you wish to enchant and your picture and drizzle honey on your faces sticking them together(If you use lavender instead wrap the pictures with red thread or ribbon.). Visualize your target stuck to you like honey. Simply place in the bottom of the jar.

On a piece of parchment paper big enough to fit their whole name(from birth) and birthdate. Write it 5 times to represent earth,water,air,fire and spirit.

Then write your name at a ninety degree angle over theirs, 5 times. It should look like this +.

After you have the names and birthdates write what you want in cursive around the names with the red pen. Do it in one consecutive loop, don't lift the pen from the paper till the first word connects with the last. Try to keep it simple like want me,mary me, forgive me, etc...

If there are certain love herbs you would like to add put those in first such as: cinnamon stick, etc...

Then put some red wine in the jar and visualize your target drunk with love for you. This is optional but if you don't mind bleeding you can put 5 drops of blood in and for women 5 drops of menstrual blood.

After you have put in your herbs,personal concerns, and petition paper fill with the honey or lavender

Seal the jar and place the red/pink/white candle above, letting it burn completely so that the wax from the candle seals the jar.

For the first week burn a candle everyday over the jar praying and visualizing your goal coming to fruition. The the week after that move down to three days on Monday,Wednesdays, and Fridays. Since this is for positive influence you'll want to start this on the waxing moon as the moon is growing. After two months put the honey jar in a safe spell and forget it to help you petition to come to fruition, if you obsess about it it could cause negative energy to enter your spell and wipe out the positive energies you put out there.
Place the jar in a secret place until your lover has responded to you. Take the jar to a stream or lake and deposit it there when you have achieved your desire (i.e. you got married to the person or are moving in with them, etc…)


Added to on Dec 13, 2012
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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