Ocean Aamulet Enchantment

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SpellsSpiritual  ► Enchanting  ► Ocean Aamulet Enchantment
Give a necklace the power of the sea.

Casting Instructions for 'Ocean Aamulet Enchantment'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Water or ocean water
  • Salt
  • A bowl
  • An amulet or necklace
  • 6 blue candles (optional)
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Water or ocean water
  • Salt
  • A bowl
  • An amulet or necklace
  • 6 blue candles (optional)

Fill the bowl with water. Then add salt. Take a shower while it settles. Meditate while holding the amulet near your chest. Visualize the ocean spreading through your blood and shielding your heart. Put the amulet in the water and say "With the power of the sea, of Poseidon and Neptune as one, I power this amulet and claim it as mine".

For a more indepth enchantment, fill the bowl with rain or ocean water instead of regular. You can choose to swim in the ocean or run in the rain instead of taking a shower. Sit in a circle of candles when doing the spell.


Added to on Jan 02, 2013
Last edited on Feb 05, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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For what can you use the amulet or what can it do?

Aug 29, 2020
You can wear it while casting water or ocean magick or weather spells. Also, to anyone who may not have a necklace, anything can work as long as the water won't do anything bad to it. Homemade trinkets work just as well

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