Snow Moon Spell

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SpellsSpiritual  ► Enchanting  ► Snow Moon Spell
This is a really simple spell to awaken a new purpose or calling. This is not my own spell but I love it. It works pretty well.

Casting Instructions for 'Snow Moon Spell'

This spell is part of our Moon Magic Series.
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • - Full moon in February (the snow moon)
  • - a violet candle
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • - Full moon in February (the snow moon)
  • - a violet candle
Quick history lesson first: In Colonial America, February's Full Moon was known as the Snow Moon, a time when fierce blizzards would sweep across the land. To some it was the Quickening Moon, a time when nature began to reawaken. Even though early snow crocus would bloom, most regions were covered in snow.

At the time of the Snow Moon, is when you ask the Snow moon to assist you in making positive changes in your life. Just as nature is poised to awaken from its winter rest, you can also awaken to a new purpose or calling.

On the night of the Snow Moon, announce your magickal intentions to the Snow Moon. As a token of thanks, light a violet candle and speak to her:

''As the Earth wears a cocoon of white,
In icy splendor Snow Moon, you guard the night.
Let me make changes, let me be reborn,
Now I plant the seed of magic; I an transformed.

Leave your candle lit until it goes out on its own.

P.S. This is not my spell I got it in one of the Witches' datebook a hear or two back and I loved this.
If you have any questions please message me and I'll be glad to answer.


Added to on Jan 12, 2014
Last edited on Jul 27, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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Cool spell!

Sounds like a wonderful way of celebrating a change of the seasons. Or to call for inspiration for a project to be start in Spring. Adding it to my Grimoire!

Yes, this should work, but you would need to put in some preparation beforehand. You are asking for help in your transformation, so spend time before the ritual reflecting on what you desire to change and how you will achieve it. Then, preform this ritual. After the chant, sit and meditate on how you will grow and what your goal life will look like. When you are finished, thank the divine beings you called into your circle and end the ritual. You could burn the paper if you wish, but I would suggest making a vision board to help you stay motivated. Vision boards do not need to be physical, but you should have it somewhere you will see it fairly regularly. If you wish for a physical board, hang it in your bedroom, if it is digital, your computer background or a private Pinterest board will work.

I also suggest starting small. You might wish for this grand life, but be aware it will take time to work toward that goal. I also wish to caution you on the type of change as it could uproot your life. Asking for better grades would not be much of a disruption. You would need to improve your study habits and would lose free time. However, if you wish to completely change your life, this might be a little more uncomfortable. You want confidence? The universe will send situations your way to test you. You want a positive life? You will lose toxic friends. You want a million dollars? Be prepared to work. Be specific, be realistic, and be prepared for the uncomfortable growing pains.

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