Confidence, Charisma, and Happiness

SpellsSpiritual  ► Enchanting  ► Confidence, Charisma, and Happiness
If you feel ashamed of yourself, uncharismatic, or like you don't fit in, this spell will help bring out the light buried deep inside of you.

Casting Instructions for 'Confidence, Charisma, and Happiness'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • One Candle (Color of choice- whatever brings you to feel confident. I recommend yellow or orange)
  • White Cloth (Cotton or Flannel)
  • Two Pieces of Paper and a Pen
  • Bowl of Water
  • Empty Bowl (Glass)
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • One Candle (Color of choice- whatever brings you to feel confident. I recommend yellow or orange)
  • White Cloth (Cotton or Flannel)
  • Two Pieces of Paper and a Pen
  • Bowl of Water
  • Empty Bowl (Glass)

Cleanse your candle. Wipe it with the piece of cloth in one direction. This pulls away the negative energy and prevents the buildup that can be accumulated over time. If you are one to dress your candle in oil do so now.

Light the candle and watch the wax melt for about a minute. Look into the flame and visualize yourself becoming more social, charismatic, understanding, and charming. Who are you with? What goals will you achieve? Write down everything you will become, be confident with your words. Write boldly and don't doubt yourself.

Take the second piece of paper and write down the things you wish to change. With every sentence you write down, imagine those qualities being pulled from you and placed onto the paper. Fold it up and smile, realizing that the weight and anxiety you once felt is gone. Place the paper in the empty bowl and burn it. those thoughts are gone now.

Fold up the first piece of paper and put it into the bowl of water. As it sinks, feel the characteristics you want absorb through your skin like the water into the piece of paper. Notice how bright and radiant you are, how luck will always be in your favour from now on.

Blow out the candle and place the ashes of the burnt paper outside on the ground. You can throw away the other wet piece, because the magic has done it job. Feel a light grow inside you as you clean up.


Added to on Feb 15, 2015
Last edited on Aug 05, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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