Simple Love Spell

SpellsSpiritual  ► Enchanting  ► Simple Love Spell
This spell will help you find true love. Hopefully, this spell will bring you a partner, and a happy relationship. This is a Wicca love spell. Let me know if it works! It's my third spell, so it might not work.

Casting Instructions for 'Simple Love Spell'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Rose petals
  • Piece of paper
  • Photo of crush/person you want to love you (optional)
  • Envelope
  • Red lipstick
  • Your favorite perfume
  • Moon Phase: First Quarter (optional)
  • Pink Candle
  • Your voice
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Rose petals
  • Piece of paper
  • Photo of crush/person you want to love you (optional)
  • Envelope
  • Red lipstick
  • Your favorite perfume
  • Moon Phase: First Quarter (optional)
  • Pink Candle
  • Your voice

The Envelope:

On the sheet of paper, write qualities of the person you wish to fall for you. Then, fold the piece of paper in half hamburger style, and spray a little bit of the perfume on the paper, and also on the picture of the person (if you are using one). Then, put them into the envelope. Whilst squeezing the petals, envision yourself with the person, and imagine how happy you'd feel, and how in love you both would be. Then, put the rose petals into the envelope and seal it. Then, put on the red lipstick and kiss the seal shut.

The Chant:

If you do this on the night of the first quarter, then wait until night and go to a safe place (with the envelope, the pink candle and a match). Light the candle and chant:

"Oh, Aphrodite, I call upon thee

Make (person's name) fall for me

A love which will be true and pure

We will be together for evermore

Oh, Aphrodite, hear my plea

Please grant my wish, so mote it be"

Then, blow out the candles, and put the envelope somewhere hidden. And, NEVER open the envelope. or the spell will be broken.

Things to do after/Tips:

These are not mandatory. You do not have to do them, but for the spell to properly work, I suggest the following:

  1. Try to talk to the person. Start up a conversation, and try to get closer to them
  2. Show them your affection. Maybe buy them gifts, and compliment them
  3. Ask them out. Don't be shy, after casting the spell, and following the other tips, they should hopefully like you by then
  4. Give it time. Love won't come instantly, but it will come, if you give it a chance


Added to on Aug 31, 2021
Last edited on Sep 14, 2021
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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Please let me know if this works, and if anyone knows how I can improve it. Thank you!

Aug 31, 2021
this spell is for people who believe in the greek goddess of love (Aphrodite) so whether or not this spell will work is based on opinions. if you believe in aphrodite then pour your heart and soul into this spell and hope for the best, good luck!

Sep 01, 2021
Thank you!

Sep 01, 2021
(sorry, my sister went on my account, but it's me now) Like @WraithUndead said, only people who believe in the goddess Aphrodite would use this spell. So, it might not work if you don't believe in her. A tip for you is that I wouldn't put the picture as optional because I think it would ensure that the spells affects the right person. Other than that, I like your spell, Luna, and I think a lot of people could find it useful.

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