Attraction charm

SpellsSpiritual  ► Enchanting  ► Attraction charm
This is a jewelry charm that will help you attract a partner.

Casting Instructions for 'Attraction charm'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • A way to cleanse everything
  • A (preferably silver) piece of jewelry you wish to enchant
  • A candle (any kind will do)
  • Dried rose petals
  • 2 pieces of rose quartz (clear quartz can be used as a substitute)
  • A pen (any color)
  • Small piece of paper
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • A way to cleanse everything
  • A (preferably silver) piece of jewelry you wish to enchant
  • A candle (any kind will do)
  • Dried rose petals
  • 2 pieces of rose quartz (clear quartz can be used as a substitute)
  • A pen (any color)
  • Small piece of paper

Cleanse!! Don't forget to cleanse your items, people. It's very important.

The next step is dimming the lights, calling to your appropriate deities/spirits, lighting the candle and setting the quartzes on opposite sides of the candle.

Get into a calm mindset.

When thats finished, create a sigil with the pen and paper of any variation of loving words/phrases you like.

Do that while thinking about very vague, general qualities you want your newfound partner to have.

Burn the paper while thinking about the concept of finding someone.

Then burn a dry rose petal or two, depends on what you think feels right. Collect the ashes of both burnt items, leave them alone 'til later.

Now comes the important part. Grab your piece of jewelry (make sure it's heat resistant and wont be messed up by being held in a candle flame), and dangle it, tied in a string, in the flame. Keep thinking romantic thoughts, and concentrate on feeding the item your energy.

When you feel like the process is finished, remove the jewelry from the flame. Thank whatever forces you asked to aid you in the spell, and either blow out the candle or let it extinguish itself.

Now for the ashes, you can either scatter them outside, or put them in a small container and bury them.

Now you have a piece of jewelry that you have to wear as much as you can for it to work best. I can attest that when i tested this spell, my single ass got a partner within the week. It might be less or more effective for you, however, and i wish you luck on your spellcasting!


Added to on Aug 01, 2022
Last edited on Aug 01, 2022
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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