Stone Animation

SpellsSpiritual  ► Enchanting  ► Stone Animation
Stones have been around since the days of dark. Post people see a boulder and think ''That's a big rock'' but in all honesty, that rock has seen more and has been more places then you could ever imagine.

Casting Instructions for 'Stone Animation'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • A stone
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • A stone

You ever walk along the beach and you see that special sea shell that just calls out to you? This is how you will determine which stone to animate. One you have found that stone, place your hand on it and concentrate. Focus yourself deep inside the stone, tap into it's potential. "Now when I did this I did not have a spell to say, as I said above, I was lost and desperate to get home. But if a spell is something you feel like you must recite, then go right ahead and do so". After you have reached a common state of mind as the stone, allow it to read you. You do not have to ask a question out loud. Whatever it is you seek from the Stone, it shall provide if you are pure of heart. I know this sounds like a waste of time but when I was lost, I used the Stone to find my way back.

Note: If the boulder/stone actually animates itself in front of you, then your awesome!


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Last edited on Apr 06, 2018
Part of the Celtic Myst Library.


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