Aura Blade

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SpellsSpiritual  ► Enchanting  ► Aura Blade
This is a simple and basic aura ''dagger'' use at your own discretion later on when your psionic power grows you will be able to cause physical damage at the first try it will either disintigrate in your hand or send a ''tingle'' in your foes hand.

Casting Instructions for 'Aura Blade'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Third Eye
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Third Eye

Form a psi ball in your hands and mold the size of the blade and hilt etc into a blade imagine it growing sharp or hot etc whatever feeling you want and then "program" the blade imagine the word pain going from your brain into the blade imagine also the sentence I shall not break going into the blade there you go I shall add shielding techniques abjuration conjuration etc.


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Last edited on May 27, 2016
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Dose this work ?

Oct 03, 2022

Oct 08, 2022
No it won't work, at least not as one would expect. You'll basically have what's called a psi construct, which is a fancy way of saying it's an energy form with some programming. It might be there energetically, but there's no way it's going to do any physical damage and probably not even cause pain. If your target is sensitive to energy it just might tickle or even cause slight discomfort, but even that's pushing it a bit.

This does not work. You can make psi balls and shape them how you desire, but you do not create energy weapons to fight people with.

this doesn't work. energy is used to battle other energy, or to do tasks. even 'battle energy' is pushing it. by battle i mean push or force energy together in certain ways.

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