To Know the Child Within

SpellsSpiritual  ► Enchanting  ► To Know the Child Within
This spell is a variation on a technique which appreciates that we all have aspects of ourselves which can go unrecognized and therefore undeveloped. By using your sacred space in which to work, you are enhancing the connection you make to that part which remains childlike. The main tool is visualization

Casting Instructions for 'To Know the Child Within'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Green or blue candle to signify healing
  • An incense or essential oil which reminds you of -your childhood
  • Doll or poppet to signify the child you once were
  • Salt water
  • White cloth
  • Your altar
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Green or blue candle to signify healing
  • An incense or essential oil which reminds you of -your childhood
  • Doll or poppet to signify the child you once were
  • Salt water
  • White cloth
  • Your altar

Light your candle and the incense. Choose a particularly good childhood-memory. Hold the poppet in your arms and think -about the child you once were. Now treat the poppet as though it were a-child.

Say: "I name you (use your childhood name of nickname)"

Hold the poppet in your arms, croon to it, -rock it, and talk to it. Tell it everything you would have liked to hear as a child. Imagine that it talks to you and tells you how-it feels and what it wants. You may even hear your own childish voice.

Let your own voice change in response. Play with the poppet. Now become aware of your adult self again. Sprinkle the doll with a little salt water to cleanse away the negative past. Raise your own energy by whatever method you prefer breathing, colour, a brief-meditation or an appeal to the gods.

Visualize yourself pouring that positive-energy into the doll, which represents your-own inner self. Imagine the child you would have liked to-have been, and project that image into your doll. Continue until you can feel a change in the energy and you feel at peace.

During that time you may find that you are crying or laughing just like a child. This is-simply a release of energy and is perfectly acceptable. You may find that the poppet or doll begins to -feel vibrant and alive, glowing with white-light and love.

Kiss the poppet or doll. Wrap it in white cloth as you would a baby -and lay it to rest on your altar. Leave the candle to burn out. Leave your sacred space secure.

It is important that you give yourself time now to return to normal, so you will need to spend a little-time just appreciating the person you have become.Ground yourself by whatever method you choose,touching the ground, taking a walk, having a bath or-whatever you prefer. A nurturing activity such as-cooking is also good. You will probably find after this-technique that you tend to dream somewhat vividly, as-you uncover some of the joys and hurts of childhood.


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Last edited on Sep 21, 2016
Part of the The Immortal's Keep Library.


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This is basic inner child work involving poppets. It would be considered sympathetic magick. It does work, but it is step one on a long healing journey.

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