Protection Potion

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SpellsSpiritual  ► Enchanting  ► Protection Potion
Small dry bottled potion that you can carry on your person and will help you to stay safe from everything. Can even protect form demons. Good spell for beginners.

Casting Instructions for 'Protection Potion'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Cumin
  • Bramble(blackberry) leaves
  • Garlic (powder/minced/oil)
  • Caraway
  • Gloves
  • Fennel Seed
  • Rosemary
  • Bay Leaves
  • Small Bottle (small enough to fit in a pocket or a purse)
  • Piece of Amethyst
  • 1 White Candle
  • Funnel (small)
  • Flat Surface
  • Mind
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Cumin
  • Bramble(blackberry) leaves
  • Garlic (powder/minced/oil)
  • Caraway
  • Gloves
  • Fennel Seed
  • Rosemary
  • Bay Leaves
  • Small Bottle (small enough to fit in a pocket or a purse)
  • Piece of Amethyst
  • 1 White Candle
  • Funnel (small)
  • Flat Surface
  • Mind

Cast a circle if you wish (not really necessary) get yourself in your meditative position and focus on the word protection for about five minutes. What it means, its physical form, sykik form and what kind of energies they are. Feel these energies. Once you are in the right head space, pour all ingredients into bottle (feel free to substitute some ingredients for the oils of them, if you wish the potion to be less dry. Also, you can add water if you want, but only a little. place the candle, bottle, and amethyst into a triangle position. The top point facing away from you (the bottle) and the bottom two points at the bottom right (candle) and the bottom left (amethyst). It should look like the alchemic symbol for fire (no relation). Make sure there are no distractions in the room; ie phones, lights, anything that bothers you I your meditative state. Then sit in front of the triangle of items, meditate on protection as before. Once ready, chant:


"God and Goddess of the sky and earth,
grant me protection from all that is evil,
and guide my safe passage through life.
Through this bottle, I bestow protection from all that could or will harm me, or the person who possess this object. The caster of such harm be struck by three fold. This is my will,
so mote it be."


keep meditating for a minute or two. Then, open your eyes. Pour the wax from the candle carefully into the bottle (do not use the funnel, the wax dries too quickly). keep meditating afterwards. repeat this action occasionally. Do this 2-3 times. Once done, end with the words:

"Let it be!"

be sure to say these words loudly (not too loud) and confidently. You are done. enjoy.

should ward off just about all harm. protect you from major damage and all psychological attacks. Also helps you defeat a foe.


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Last edited on Sep 29, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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This can work to protect you, but I doubt it delivers what it promises. Firstly, you will need to recast protections, so be aware when you feel the energy begin to fade. Secondly, a protection spell will not protect from all harm. It cannot stop a physical attack. Spiritually, it would depend on how powerful your casting was. If someone sends enough negativity your way, it can break a protection. You should also cleanse your space before casting the protection. If you are the reason there is negative energy in your life, a protection would turn on you. Mentally as well, if your inner critic is constantly berating you, you would need a healing to help you work through these thoughts and heal the negative pattern, not a protection. Thirdly, the chant might need a little tweak in my opinion, but it should work okay. It just does not flow very well and is slightly confusing. You should be specific ''This jar will protect the holder'' is better than listing people who would be safe. Lastly, while it is not a spell breaker, I simply wanted to say circle casting is indeed optional, but it can help in a protection. Circles create a protective barrier and turns the space into sacred space. If your area is full of negative gunk while you cast a spell, this could be charged into the spell. Inside a circle, the space is protected from this energy. Not every spell casting needs a circle, but in this specific spell, I would suggest at least cleansing your space first.

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