1 purple candle (or white. I chose violet because it corresponds with mercury)
Candle holder
Cauldron pr fire safe bowl. Small preferably.
Incense for cleansing.
Citronella- guardian of warding off evil (optional)
Matches or lighter
You will need the following items for this spell:
1 purple candle (or white. I chose violet because it corresponds with mercury)
Candle holder
Cauldron pr fire safe bowl. Small preferably.
Incense for cleansing.
Citronella- guardian of warding off evil (optional)
Matches or lighter
-First I use my incense to cleanse my space and all my supplies. I chose positive vibes for this one.
-Next I take my candle and rub it between my hands. I thought about how it's time for me to start a new chapter and make what I want come true. Focus on how you will be successfull. It will be so! I spent about a minute doing so and felt a vibration between my chest and the candle
-place your candle in the holder. I chose to anoint it with protection oil but this isn't necessary.
-take your cauldron. Add the sage, rosemary, basil, yarrow and citronella.
-write what you want to manifest for yourself on your bayleaves. Make it personal, make it deep! Put your emotions into this.
Next light your candle. While lighting it state your intentions. There is no chant or proper words here. I chose to say." This new moon I'm taking action. Everything I need will be mine. I make it happen"
-make sure your herbs are starting to smolder quite a bit. Smoke should be rising.
-burn your bayleaf. Each time say what you are manifesting "I manifest new opportunities" add it to the cauldron.
When your done let your candle and your cauldron contents burn for a whlile. Mine burnt for 10 minutes. Offer a closing statement like "this is what I manifest. Everything will come to me. This is my will and so mote it be!
-bonus keep incense ass and your bayleaf and herbs and you can put it in black salt!
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