Give up Smoking

SpellsTrick  ► Banishing  ► Give up Smoking
To give up addiction to Tobacco

Casting Instructions for 'Give up Smoking'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Tobacco and Ciggie Buts
  • Thin black Cloth
  • Black Candle
  • White Candle
  • Mouthwash
  • Will Power
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Tobacco and Ciggie Buts
  • Thin black Cloth
  • Black Candle
  • White Candle
  • Mouthwash
  • Will Power

Wrap up tobacco and ciggarette buts  in black cloth

Inscribe widdershins spiral on candle

Light candle

Inhale the foul smell of the package

Focus all intent of despising and hate on the package

Say "This that harms me, I let go"

Snuff out the black candle when you are ready, and bury the remnants of it, with the cloth package.

Brush your teeth and wash your mouth.

Light the white candle. Take three deep breaths.

Say "I am breathing, I am clean, I am free" three times.

Repeat this with the white candle every morning and night for as long a necessary.


Added to on Apr 02, 2013
Part of the Council of Knowledge Library.


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cute spell gonna give it to my mom and dad

Mar 14, 2022
this is working, hypnoticly trigger, like affirmation and programming subconscious, but even if already example 3 months, how could you ensure that in next year they don't smoke again?

Could work if repeated daily (or maybe once a week or something. Just has to be regular until you completely give it up). Could easily be adapted for other bad habits.

This is a good one

I might add an herb or crystal that is associated with banishing, or I would take some string and bind the bundle as I set my intention. Otherwise, this should help you reduce cravings and help you quit. Depending on how long you have smoked, you might consider a cord cutting or healing spell to aid you.

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