Banishing an Evil Spirit

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SpellsTrick  ► Banishing  ► Banishing an Evil Spirit
To banish a mischievous or evil spirit

Casting Instructions for 'Banishing an Evil Spirit'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • (optional) bay leaves
  • (optional) cinnamon
  • (optional) rose petals
  • (optional) myrrh
  • (optional) white candles
  • (optional) paper and pencil
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • (optional) bay leaves
  • (optional) cinnamon
  • (optional) rose petals
  • (optional) myrrh
  • (optional) white candles
  • (optional) paper and pencil
1. (optional) Crush any combination of the herbs and make into an incense to burn during spell

2. (optional) Burn white candles while doing the spell

3. Cast a circle

4. (optional) invite deities and or elements

5. Either draw a pentagram on paper or in the air with your wand (for protection)

6. Visualize what you think the spirit looks like, then imagine a ball of white light forming inside of it and expanding until it makes the spirit explode.

7. Say: ''Begone evil spirit,
Begone from my life,
Begone from my house,
I want no strife,
Return to your master,
And bring them the word,
That I am untouchable,
Just like a swift, flying bird.

8. Imagine the spirit leaving you and going back to where it came from and exploding again.


Added to on Apr 28, 2013
Part of the Natural Magick Library.


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I'm going to attempt this spell in the near future to banish a spirit that has harassed me for the past few months and I think it's going to turn out well. I am a fan of this spell.

This has the potential to work, but I would not cast a circle. You need to walk around your home to cast the spirit out. You are stuck in one space if you cast a circle. Unless, you sprinkled this mixture around your property line, then it could be used as a protective barrier. I would encourage calling on your spiritual team if you are casting out a spirit. Overall, it has the potential to work, I would just build on it slightly.

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