Kill Anger

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SpellsTrick  ► Banishing  ► Kill Anger
Kills all old anger/hate that you have.
If you have a lot of negitave energy, you may need more than one magickal item.

Casting Instructions for 'Kill Anger'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • imagination
  • magical item to ''steal fire''- like quartz, but it's not necessary.
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • imagination
  • magical item to ''steal fire''- like quartz, but it's not necessary.
First- you have to visualize the negative energy in your head. (I did a demon, but you can do any creature.)
Second- you need the magick item. Then you have to grip it with a lot of strength- don't worry if you're (disgusting-ish) sweating, know that you're doing good! Third- you need to imagine that there is a black hole within the crystal and is sucking away the demon/energy.
Fourth-This isn't necessary, but you can 'mentally' laugh at the demon falling away!
Blessed be )0( Yay!
Also mail me for if it works, or if you have questions!


Added to on Mar 28, 2015
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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Plausible. This might be a method that works for the creator, but might not work for everyone. This would be a temporary solution. You are sealing away something in an object, which is possible, but not recommended. You cannot avoid painful emotions, you need to work through them. Sealing them away simply kicks the can down the road and one day you will have a larger problem to deal with. You could use this as a temporary solution as you work through a trauma. That way you can release the painful emotions as you feel called to. If you insist on keeping these feelings locked away, you will need to keep the object safe and will need to cast protections to prevent the spell from waring off. If the object is damaged or the enchantment is broken, you will be hit with the emotion but far more intense than before. Depending on how long you kept it sealed away, you could suffer greatly as a result.

Aug 30, 2023
Another possible use for this that I just thought of is storing energy for a future spell that needs this type of energy (mostly hexes). I imagine however that a controlled release might be tricky, especially if there's a good amount of it built up. I'd advise a great deal of caution if someone wanted to try that, and of course they'd still wish to work through their anger as well for obvious reasons.

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