Rose Petal Healing

SpellsTrick  ► Banishing  ► Rose Petal Healing
This is a pretty simple charm used to heal one's self after a bad experience, or just a dark time.

Casting Instructions for 'Rose Petal Healing'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • 7 dried Rose Petals
  • 7 white tea lights
  • Matches
  • A burn safe bowl
  • a small glass bottle or jar with a lid
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • 7 dried Rose Petals
  • 7 white tea lights
  • Matches
  • A burn safe bowl
  • a small glass bottle or jar with a lid

This spell is best preformed on a new moon 1. Use the tea lights to make a circle 2. Place the bowl in the center of the circle 3. Light each candle one by one, thinking of a different good memory whilst lighting each one. 4. Pick up one rose petal, and catch it on fire using the flame of the first candle. Once it has begun to burn, put it into the bowl and allow it to burn out. 5. Repeat this process, lighting one rose petal using each candle, and allowing them to smolder and burn out 6. Take the ashes, or remnants of the burned petals and put them in the jar. 7. Bury the jar at a crossroad, as deep as you can, and walk away. Do not look back at where the jar is buried until you've made it home. After you've completed this spell, the healing process shall be in full swing.


Added to on Aug 01, 2016
Last edited on Jun 20, 2022
Part of the Second Sight Library.


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