Stay away stalker

SpellsTrick  ► Banishing  ► Stay away stalker
This spell is one I have used to banish stalkers from my life. It's worked well for me, and hopefully works well for you.

Casting Instructions for 'Stay away stalker'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Black Salt
  • Hot Foot Powder
  • Black candle
  • Pin
  • Matches
  • Mason jar
  • Photo of the stalker
  • Soil from the foot print of the stalker
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Black Salt
  • Hot Foot Powder
  • Black candle
  • Pin
  • Matches
  • Mason jar
  • Photo of the stalker
  • Soil from the foot print of the stalker

First, take the pin and carve the persons name into the candle, then light it with the matches.

Secondly, take a photo of the stalker, (though if you do not have one, a piece of paper with their name will suffice), and write their birth date, and any other relevant information written on the back. before burning it  over the flame of a black candle

Once the photo is only ash, pour the remnants into the jar, and add three tablespoons of black salt, and 1 package of hot foot powder to the mix. Once the aforementioned has been done, secure the lid to the jar, and shake it hard for a good thirty seconds to mix it all together. If you are able, retrieve soil from the footprint of the stalker, and add it to the jar as well; this is not necessary but can add to the potency of the spell.

Once the mixture is complete, take it out and sprinkle it somewhere the stalker will walk across such as a threshold they will cross, across the pavement they will walk, anywhere where they will encounter it. 

As you scatter the mixture, put forth your strongest intent against the person with your desire for protection from them.

Do this as many times as it takes to remove the stalker from your life. It usually takes three times for me, but don't worry if it takes a little longer. 



Added to on Oct 04, 2019
Part of the Second Sight Library.


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