Clear your mind of anything. Put the object on the flat surface. Picture the object moving such as falling over or levitating. Concentrate on your power flowing through the object.
Magick is an energy found in nature, on the physical plane magick is ruled by nature, so if a spell contradicts nature, it doesn't work. Despite what fantasy books/movies told you, magick can't do the impossible, real magick is an energy that effects the energy around us to attract/repel a desired outcome, making it easier for us to achieve the goals we are working towards. Telekinesis isn't something humans can do, so a spell won't make it possible. If you want to try some visualization techniques, meditate, balance your chakras, these can increase your clairvoyant abilities, but don't expect the ability to move things with your mind.
it works!! i've used this spell countless times and it truly works!! it takes energy, strength, and concentration but i promise it works. it didn't work the first 2 times but it works.
Spells like this are fake, please don't claim otherwise because it spreads misinformation. Sometimes things like this can seem to work because of placebo (for example, a pen rolling naturally because of gravity, or the mind grabbing onto coincidences), but true telekinesis is accepted by the general witchcraft community as being fake.
Personally, I don't believe in telekinesis because it's not natural. You can't think hard enough and make a physical object defy physical limitations. Clairvoyance and psychic abilities are real, you're connecting to a higher spiritual ability to gain spiritual insight and it works differently than the physical. However, if you wish to try and gain telekinetic powers, I would work your way up to the levitation of objects. Basic energy work [charging, grounding, shielding, psi balls] meditation, balancing your chakra's and strengthening your sixth sense [simple way is to take a playing card, pull one at a time and sense if it's a red or black card, once you're proficient at that, sense the suit, and finally the entire card] Perfecting these things before trying telekinesis would give you the best chance at success. [a weight lifter doesn't start by lifting 100lb on their first day]
This isn't really as much as a spell, more like an exercise. I'd say do some meditation beforehand and do this in a quiet area, with light things like bits of paper for practice
Spells like this do work I myself have done it and several others on this site that people say are fake. You all can call me a fluff but hear me out before. As I understand it and I could be wrong here Wicca and witchcraft are deferent Wicca is about balance and the laws of Nature. In short not all wiccans practice witchcraft Witchcraft is just that a practice. Obviously spells like this goes against nature and as such the teachings of Wicca. So if Wicca is something you subscribe to then no these spells won’t work for you. But for those who don’t it will. Based on what I have learned from my own experiences on this site it literally comes down to your beliefs and view points And there’s more then one path of magic and not all of them subscribe to the law of nature witch in all honesty is kind of mute in my opinion seeing as nature contradicts its self all the time yes you can call people like me fluffs if that’s what you want but your not really helping people on this site like you intended to do
All magic follows the laws of nature and reality. It's not limited to just Wicca. Different belief systems do exist, yes, but that doesn't mean they violate the laws of reality. Telekinesis is impossible for all types of magic because it's impossible in general. Belief alone will not allow you to violate the laws of reality, no matter what pantheon you subscribe to.
In addition anyone, their grandma, and pet dog can say ''It worked, I did it.'' And feel no burden of proof. But when a claim is outside the realm of belief, rest assured that you'll be called on it and proof will be asked for.
This is not because we're cranky, or closed-minded, or sticks in the mud. It is because a single person making knowingly false claims undermines the integrity of -everyone-. Not just the individual. You do not represent yourself, you represent the group you claim to belong to and that group will (rightly) get miffed with you if that representation is poor or damaging. This is true of any group. Be it pitiful, religious, social... doesn't matter.
When people take something seriously, false statements are parallel to mockery.
This is why it is so common fir the catch-phrase of the fantastic to be ''Video or it never happened.'' If you say you have done something, people want to see it happen. If you can't or won't, that raises question to your claim.
it's an idiom like saying ''everything and the kitchen sink.'' [I think the more common one is ''everyone and their dog''] it means a large number of people.
Unfortunately, there isn't a simple answer to that particular question. Sometimes a spell will work and sometimes it won't. A better question might be what spells might work. Basically, any spell that doesn't defy the laws of nature has a chance to work if it's designed and cast properly. If you learn more about magic in general you'll gain a greater understanding of what it can and can't do on the physical plane, and when you learn more about how spells work you'll gain a greater understanding of the best ways to design a spell so it has the best chance of working.
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