Candle Spell
The following is a guide to help you cast your own candle spell.
You will need the following items for this spell:
- A candle who's color is associated with your intent.
- Piece of paper
- A pen or pencil
Casting Instructions for 'Candle Spell'
Candle Colors
Money Drawing
Ritual Kit

Money Drawing
Ritual Kit
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You will need a candle who's color is most associated with your wish, a piece of paper who's color is also associated with your wish, you should perform the the spell on the day of the week most associated with your wish, and a black pen. You also need to make sure that you will not be disturbed. Below I have again provided a list of colors and the days of the week so that you may use them in the casting of your spell.
Days of the Week and What they Mean
- Monday: The day of the moon, fertility, and healing.
- Tuesday: The day of Mars, strength, and courage.
- Wednesday: The day of Mercury, communication, study, and travel.
- Thursday: The day of Jupiter, luck, and fortune.
- Friday: The day of Venus, love, and relationships.
- Saturday: The day of Saturn and clearing obstacles.
- Sunday: The Day of the Sun, health, and success.
This List of Colors can be used for choosing candles and, sachets, etc.
- White: Protection, purification, peace, truth, and sincerity.
- Red: Protection, strength, health, vigor, lust, sex, passion, courage, exorcism.
- Black: Absorbing and destroying negativity, healing diseases, and banishing.
- Light Blue: Tranquility, healing, patience, happiness.
- Dark Blue: Change, flexibility, the subconscious mind, psychic work, and healing.
- Green: Finances, money, fertility, prosperity, growth, luck, and employment.
- Gray: Neutrality. Yellow: Intellect, attraction, study, persuasion, confidence, and divination.
- Brown: Working magic for animals, healing animals, and the home.
- Pink: Love, honor, and friendship.
- Orange: Adaptability, stimulation, and attraction.
- Purple: Power, healing diseases, spirituality, and meditation.
- Choose the candle that is best suited to your spell.
- Decide on how exactly you will say the words most associated with your spell. By this I mean what will you be asking for? Be specific, as this will better help the spell occur.
- Write down what you want, and think it silently to yourself as you do so.
- Light your candle,close your eyes, and think about your spell and what you want it to accomplish.
- As your candle burns visualize the energy of the candle and your wish, the energy should be the color of the candle, being released.
- Now, take the piece of paper that you wrote your wish on and burn it in the candle flame. Make sure the paper completely burns away. As you burn the paper visualize the burning paper releasing your wish and sending it out to take effect. As you do this say the following: " I ask the earth to heed my spell, air to send its passage well. Bright as flames does this spell glow, deep as the tide of waters flow. By my will, this spell is done." Repeat this until the paper is completely gone. Allow the candle to also burn completely away, and be sure to keep your wish a secret until it comes true.
Suliana has been a member of the site for 15 years, since Aug 11, 2010
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I am trying to break up my ex and bring him back to me since we are still in love with each other and have been having an affair for the last few months. He is currently married. We never broke up but was only separated due to our jobs sending us to different areas. Should I use a black candle or a pink one. Can you help me cast this spell.
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