Scrying Spell

SpellsWeather  ► Power  ► Scrying Spell
Easy way to perform divination if you feel you need guidance.

Casting Instructions for 'Scrying Spell'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • A silver bowl or basin (a metal mixing bowl will do just fine!)
  • Water
  • Three drops of black ink
  • A small quartz crystal
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • A silver bowl or basin (a metal mixing bowl will do just fine!)
  • Water
  • Three drops of black ink
  • A small quartz crystal
When to do it: The night of the full moon, or the night previous or following.

What to do:

1. Go outside to a quiet place if possible. If not, do this by a window where you can see the full moon.
2. Ground and center.
3. Pour the water into the bowl, chanting:

Goddess of the soaring moon
Grant to me this simple boon
Show to me what I must see
Reveal to me that which shall be.

4. Drop in the three drops of black ink, saying:

Whence do I come? Where do I stand? Whence shall I go?
5. Hold the crystal in your hands and lift it up to the moonlight.
6. Close your eyes and empower the stone with your desire for guidance. Drop the crystal into the bowl and say:

Let me see!
So mote it be!

7. Clear your mind, close your eyes, and breathe calmly. When you feel ready, open your eyes and gaze at the bowl. You may receive your answer in the form of mental images, thoughts, emotions, a change in your physical environment…

8. Write your impressions down right away, before you forget them. Don’t trust your memory!

9. Thank the Goddess for her help, pour the water out at the base of a tree and save the crystal for your next scrying.


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Part of the MidnightMagick Library.


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Do have to go outside ?

I would not consider this an ''easy way'' to scry, but theoretically it could work. I have never heard of ink in a scrying, but I can see it helping some people. If you wish to scry, there are a plethora of methods. This is the reflection method. You can use water, but a mirror works too. You take the item and stare past the reflection. In time, you should see images. You need to cleanse and consecrate the item you are using. If you are using the water method, consecrate the bowl and use moon water. Moon water has divination properties. Meditate beforehand so you are in a calm headspace.

Jun 20, 2022
Can we do this inside because I cannot go out at night

Jun 20, 2022
Scrying can be done inside at any time of the day. If you are wishing to create moon water or follow this specific method, preform it by a window on a moonlit night.

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