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Forums -> Introduce Yourself -> Re: Azra
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Original Post:
by: Azra on Mar 04, 2008

I go by the screenname of azra ive always been looking for ways to learn magic... ive never performed any spells but i hope to be able to someday... im mainly interested in the arts of destruction and any summoning/portal magic, another thing im not interested in love or wealth spells because i dont really have anyone i like or need any money, nor am I interested in causing anyone harm..I also will have to keep this a complete secret from my parents so id also like to know if theres any spells i can do with minimal igredients.. on a final note i dislike the idea of using sex as a means for magic,.. as suggested by satanists Im 15, male, and i live in California I dont really have many friends so nice to meet u all