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Forums -> Site Spells Discussion -> Re: Spells Backfiring?
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Original Post:
by: PhantomTears on Nov 27, 2007

I've had a few spells go wrong lately...

I use a talisman for my magic, and it hasn't failed me yet... Just these few spells...

A few hex-incantations..

"Bug-Bites Hex" - Cast on someone who stole my backpack and emptied it into a trash can... I have three bug-bites on my knee from in the shape of a triangle [symbolic?]

"Insomnia Hex" - Cast on someone who cheated off my test... I can't sleep... AT ALL... I'm running of coffee now....

"Burning Hand" - I used it on someone who insulted my sister and made her cry... As well as threw food at her. Now my left foot is numb, and when I try to touch it it FEELS hot, or if I get in the shower [like this morning], it BURNS under the water... I limped today it was so bad... And now it feels normal, but it's still kinda tingly.

"Annoyance Binding" - Cast on [obviously] two annoying students in my English class. I'm now binded away from two of my friends who suddenly aren't talking to me... Coincidence?

And two normal Incantations..

"Rain Spell" - Cast while it was cloudy so the rain would hurry, but the clouds were moved away within two hours after my spell was cast and it rained about ten minutes from my house...

"Tree Talk" - I used it on my bamboo plant in my house and now it's starting to die...
Are my spells backfiring because...

A) I'm casting COMPLETELY wrong
B) Karma
C) COMPLETE coincidence...
D) Something else?..

Please help >_<...